Soul Bound

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{Takes place during the Blood Moon Ball, before the moon's selection is announced, P.O.V. stands for Point of View}


Marco's P.O.V.

Ugggh. Things around here suck without Star. Maybe I should have followed her or something.... I shoved another handful of tortilla chips into my mouth and tapped my foot to the music I had playing. What's even so special about some dumb ball about the moon turning red? I thought. "I'll have my own Blood Moon Ball, in Star's bedroom. Where it's 'always fuuuun'," I said, a bit frustrated. All of a sudden, I hear a deep male voice say, "Blood Moon tonight." Huh. Funny, I don't remember that being in the song playing. I brushed it off and continued eating chips. Then I heard it again, "The moon of loverrrrrs." I got up quickly and turned in the direction of the voice. Just a painting of a sailor. I looked over to the side table that had the bell and small hammer on it. The jewel on the hammer sparkled in the moonlight. I don't know what came over me then, but I gathered the courage to toll the bell and go to this "Blood Moon Ball." I already had a decent suit on, but just in case, I put on a Dia de los Muertos themed skull mask that hid about half my face. I hit the hammer to the bell, and sure enough, it chimed, and the same demon from earlier showed up. Out of courtesy, I said hello to him. He didn't respond, he just asked me where I wanted to go. I got in and said "Uhh, to the Blood Moon Ball..? Er, plea-" Before I could even finish, the doors closed and we went to the Underworld. I got out and thanked the demon, and again, no response. Oh well. I turned toward what I assumed was the ballroom. To be honest, it was quite nice for the Underworld. I slipped in and weaved my way through the crowd looking for Star. I couldn't find her. As I'm searching, I hear a microphone getting tested and a demon clearing his throat. He said that as of right now, the Blood Moon was going to select two lucky souls and bind them together for eternity. So that's why Tom wanted to bring Star here so badly. As the pianist began playing music, I heard a familiar, and quite annoyed voice say that it's the wrong piece of music. Found 'em. Tom left Star to go sort out the music problem, in which Star decided to wander off, all the while staring at the ceiling. This was my chance to get Star outta here. I called her name a couple times before she turned around. "Who are you, and how do you know who I am?" she said all threatening - like. I lifted my mask to reveal my face and said, "Star, it's me, Marco!" "What?! Marco, why are you here?!" she said with a troubled tone. "I'm gonna get you out of here, this place is the worst!" I answered. "But you don't understand, Tom wants to-" but before Star could finish, I felt claws wring my shoulders, which turned me around and then held my collar. Oh crud... It was Tom.. "HEY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU IGNORANT LITTLE-" and as if he were getting censored, a red spotlight from the blood moon landed on us and cut him off. The whole room gasped, probably because the light wasn't even on Tom's...escort ((ooc: by escort he means Star)). I thought Tom was just going to let go, but he moved his right hand to my left, and he moved his left hand on my waist. He whispered to me, "We have to dance, it's disrespectful to shun the blood moon's light. Look, I hate this as much as you do so let's just get it over with." I, vert reluctantly, agreed, moving my right hand to his shoulder. He actually has pretty nice arms. What the-?! What am I thinking?! We danced until the light passed the ballroom, and it was actually pretty fun to do, despite my partner. We pulled apart, and all I could think was why would the moon choose us? Why not someone else? "Wait..." Tom said, "...this means our souls are bound together..for all eternity." When he said "eternity," I couldn't move. This means we're fated to be together in some way. Oh god...why me? "I guess we'll have to...*gag*...g-get along...." said Tom. I think I just threw up a little. "Oh man...this is gonna take a while to get used to."

End of part one!


Whew, that took a while! Well, I hope that's good so far. I'll try to update as much as I can (you see, I'm forgetful).

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