Starting Off Fresh(man)

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Hey look! I'm actually updating the story now! :O Okay, okay. I'll get to it. And yes, the art above is mine.

Tom's P.O.V.

It's been a week since the ball. I still can't stop thinking about Marco (and the Blood Moon effects aren't helping), but at least my stage is over. The thing is, that means Marco's going to start thinking about me. Maybe it's just the moon talking, but he's actually a pretty cute-. I-I mean cool guy! Haha.... I really, really hope this thing works out.

I know it sounds too sudden and cliché, but I truly do love Marco. There, I said it. I just wonder if he loves me. I'm actually kind of jealous of Star now, since she gets to hang out and even LIVE with him. There must be some way to get closer to and spend more time with him.

"Hmmmm.... Ah ha! I've got it."

.:meanwhile on Earth:.

Marco's P.O.V.

I wake up with a yawn. I look to my bedside at my clock.

7:00 A.M.

"There's still some time before school."

If it were two weeks earlier, I'd probably be rushing to beat Jackie to school. But not today. Today seemed so much more calm, like I didn't have to worry about anything. I guess it's cause I don't have a thing for Jackie anymore (she also started dating Janna, so it was out of the question anyway). I get up and go to the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth. I get dressed and head downstairs, where my Mom and Star are waiting for me with breakfast.

((a/n I'm gonna try to differentiate people's lines with bolding, underlining, and italicizing now))

"Good morning, honey!" my Mom greeted me.

"Mornin' dude." Star said as she clicked a finger at me and stuffed her food in her mouth.

"Mmm, chorizo con huevos!" I said while breathing in the aroma of tortillas and beef.

Star and I finished eating and we headed out.

.:at the school:.

We walked in and Jackie happened to pass us on her board (with Janna plastered to her arm).

"Hey Jackie!"

"Hey Diaz."

"Oh hey Mark!" ((I headcanon that Janna calls him "Mark" instead))

I waved bye to Star, as our first periods were in different classrooms.

I sat down in first period, and right after the bell rang, I got called into the office. Ha, kinda reminds me of when Star first got here.

I walked over to the office and opened the door.

"Yes, Principal Skeeves?"

"Hm? Oh yes! Marco, Safe Kid! Uh well, there's another exchange student for you today! Treat this one as nicely as you did to that Butterfly girl, would you? Thanks."

"Um, alright! Where are they?"

"Should be in the front right now."

"Okay, thank you!"

I walked out into the front to meet with the new student. Judging by all the girls standing around giggling, that it was a very attractive, most likely male, student. As he was talking to a couple of girls I couldn't help but think about Tom, because this guy sounded a lot like him! Anyway, I walked over to greet him.

"Hey there! Welcome to Ecko Creek Academy,"

I trailed off when he turned around, and I immediately knew who it was.


"Marco! It's great to see you!"

Tom pulled me into a massive, bone-crushing hug. I hugged back with what strength his "hug" left me with. It's only been a week....

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to be able to spend time with you without interfering with your actual life, so I decided to enroll in your school!" Some of the girls around us pouted at the fact that Tom was more interested in me than them, others kinda just went "oh well."

"Really? You went through all that trouble just for me?"

"Of course I did!" He smiled a fanged grin, and I have to admit, it was really cute. Not even gonna hide it this time.

I smiled back at him and put my arm around his shoulder (it almost didn't work, since he's taller than me).

"So? Shall I give you a tour?"

"Please." He smirked as he put his arm around my waist as a joke (at least I think it was a joke).

.:after a day of touring and introductions:.

" that's basically all there is to our quaint and humble Earth school!"

"Wow! This place is pretty cool for a dimension without magic!" Funny, Star said something similar once.

"Any dimension is magical if you're in it." Wow..that was so stupid, I can't even believe I said that.

But it looked like Tom enjoyed it, because his cheeks blushed, and so did his ears as they folded downwards. He was too flustered to say anything, so I just laughed and said it was a joke.

We stayed silent for a moment, until I broke the silence.

"I still can't believe that you're gonna be at school with me- I" Whoops...haha....

"I guess I'll be at school with you two, but I mostly just enrolled to see you." He smiled shyly. So cute.

"Well I'm glad to have you, then." I smiled warmly as he stared into my eyes and blushed. I decided to give him a tiny treat, just for going so far out of his way to get here.

"Tom? Come here." I motioned for him to come here.

"Uh...yeah?" I could tell he was nervous.

"There's something on your mouth." I pointed at his lips.

"What? Wher-" I cut him off with a little peck on his lips.

"Got it." I smirked playfully.

Tom's mouth started smoking (it happens when he's flustered, angry, etc.) a lot, and he blushed furiously.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I waved and walked away.

"Wh- Hey! Y-you can't just leave!!" He said in frustration.

"Can, will, am, did." I replied.

And with that, I left Tom to go home. I'm excited about this whole ordeal.


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