Through the Demon's Eyes

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{We're going back a bit, before the moon chooses. I'm just doing this from Tom and Star's Points of View.}

Tom's P.O.V.

Okay, okay. It's almost time for the moon to appear, so I have to keep it cool. My pianist began playing, but..hey, that's not what he should be playing!!!

"Ugh, that's the wrong piece of music!" I half yelled "This is gonna drive me nuts, okay, don't go anywhere, I'll be right back," I told Star. If I wasn't there before the blood moon arrived, she'll have to stay away from anyone else it could land on (which, in this case, is everyone). I rushed over to the pianist to tell him the correct music.

Star's P.O.V.

"Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back," Tom said.

I replied, "Okay," not taking my eyes from the ceiling.

I know he said don't go anywhere, but you can't stop the Star instincts once they start a' flowin'. Plus, standing there was boring.

When I went to say hi to Henry again, I heard the faintest call of my name. I thought it was just my imagination, but it got louder. I turned around and saw a guy in a suit and a skull mask.

"Who are you, and how do you know who I am?!" I said, trying to be threatening.

He took off his mask to reveal..wait, Marco?!

He said, "It's me, Marco!"

I worridly asked, "What are you doing here?!" He can't be here, Tom'll freak!

"I'm gonna get you out of here! This place is the worst!"

No no no, he has to go. "You don't understand, Tom wants to-" I was cut off from Marco getting spun around by the shoulders by..oh no..he's already here....

Tom yelled at Marco, "HEY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU IGNORANT LITTLE-" but before he could finish, the red light shone upon him and Marco.

Tom's P.O.V.

I ran back over to Star, but I found her with that stupid mortal of hers, "Marco." I can't even begin to explain how angry I was.

I grabbed his shoulders, spun him around, took his collar and yelled at him, "HEY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU IGNORANT LITTLE-" I was about to call him a mix of unsavory words, but then...there was a red spotlight on us.

End of Part Two! Sorry it's short, I'll try to make it longer next time.

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