Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

From Flesh to Bone

Joshua Thornton was a lot of things. That was something his friends, and he himself have established.

He was a lawyer. He was a friend. He was a compassionate human being with a thirst for justice and knowledge. He was a lover of books and a penchant for rich wine. He was a genius. He was wise. He was Joshua Thornton, the son of Jonathan Thornton and Madeleine Thornton nee Edelstein.

He was a lot of things. One thing he wasn’t was gay.

As the morning sunshine filtered in through the drapes, Joshua yawned and blearily opened his eyes, finding himself naked under the sheets with Greg sleeping on his chest, his arm around Greg’s in a protective manner.

Joshua tensed, already panicking and screaming internally, wondering what the hell they did the night before. He watched as Greg cuddled more into him, and wondered how the hell he was going to get himself out of the awkward situation that would inevitably involve him once Greg woke up to a Joshua who would be frozen in shock.

Joshua released the breath he didn’t know he was holding, careful not to wake Greg. He was sweating, he knew, but whether it was because of the heavy comforter or because of the panic he felt, he didn’t know. He would put his bet on the latter one, though.

Suddenly, the telltale signs of Greg waking up made Joshua tense further, not daring to breathe shallowly. And then, next thing Joshua knew, Greg was scrambling into the bathroom in his bedroom, the door slamming behind him. The sounds of someone retching reached Joshua’s ears and he winced, thinking about the many shots Greg had taken the night before.

Joshua was suddenly a lot more thankful that he had drunk water, and that his hangover consisted of a mere dull throb in his head instead of the very painful headache Greg was no doubt having at the moment. Slowly, Joshua started to get out of bed, walking barefoot to the door and exiting the room.

He was well aware that he was wearing nothing but at the moment, he didn’t care. The kitchen was not very far, and Joshua grabbed a glass of water after locating the glasses and went back to the bedroom, knocking on the door of the bathroom before cautiously stepping in, finding Greg kneeling on the floor before his pristine white toilet.

The smell of puke reached his nostrils and Joshua wrinkled his nose, feeling even sorrier for the man before him. He crouched down low and looked at Greg, raising his eyebrows in a silent question of whether or not he was okay.

“I’m fine,” Greg mumbled.

“You sure?” asked Joshua, looking around the clean bathroom. “You don’t look well to me.”

Greg shook his head and then winced when he realized that wasn’t a very smart thing to do. His head throbbed painfully and he closed his eyes, willing the pain to go away. “You shouldn’t see me like this,” mumbled Greg, cringing at the thought that Joshua, of all people, getting to see him like that, naked and sick.

Joshua chuckled. “It’s quite late for that, isn’t it? I mean, we did sleep with each other.”

Greg looked at him, his eyes opened, wanting to see what Joshua felt. “And you’re okay with that?”

“Of course,” said Joshua, looking at Greg, trying to make him understand that he was really okay with it all. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know,” said Greg, blushing.

“Hey,” said Joshua, making Greg look at him by putting a finger under Greg’s chin and tipping it slightly upwards, “I’m okay. Honestly.”

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