Chaper One - Well Duh Genius

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Lovely cover made by a lovely follower kspopcorn_uriah

I walk to my locker. My beloved tatty corner locker. Summer has been an amazing break but now it's over and it's painful as hell. Same subjects, same teachers, same people. Speaking of same people-


Before I know it I'm jammed against my locker and a pair of familiar hands surround my neck tightly. I cough loudly, exaggerating quite the bit to get the squirming monster off me.

"Hi .... May"

I manage to spit out, with the limited air that's getting into me.

"I've missed you so frikin much! You don't even know."

I give her a confused and 'stop being dumb' look.

"May we met up last Monday to go school shopping..."

She pretends to roam her memory but I know she remembers pretty well, because it where she bumped into Gabe. Gabe is her all time crush who, in my opinion, is a pretty big player, but I can't talk because he doesn't go to our school and I don't know him too well. May knew him from primary and they were best friends. Still are. But I'm guessing you've figured May wants to think differently.

"Yeahhhhh I rememberrrr! But still 7 days is a long time to be apart from your best friend."

I laugh the conversation to a finish and we both head off to our first class. But on our way is a little distraction.

The corridor is filled with high school teens, all crowded around one person. And I'm guessing it's the schools most wanted guy. The biggest player. The biggest jerk. Introducing..... No.

He's not that big of a deal - well at least to me. Brad Parker is another heart throb that you will most probably never get to touch. With the light brown hair and the sea green eyes, every cliché girl is known to have fallen for him. But it's not just him that brings everyone to his knees. It's his trademark smirk.

His perfect white teeth add to the effect of it being so easy to lure girls in. But he's a player in a girlfriend cheating kind of way. He's had it' so many times, but apparently the times he did have it, it wasn't up to his standards, so he's still looking for 'the one'. Look at him. Ugh.


1st period.

I walk to the end of the table and sit down, taking my pencil case out and getting my brain mentally ready to start my first lesson of the year. Chemistry. Yay.

But I'm soon made to stand up when the new seating plan comes onto the screen.

Holy crap.

I am in no physical way sat next to Brad Parker.

Oh my lord.

I'll be able to change it right? Right?

"Errr, Dr Mable I erm feel claustrophobic in my seat."

He looks at me like I'm 5 and stupid.

"You are sat at the end of a table, it's probably the most spacious seat Shay."

Oh shoot.

"Oh right yeah ahaha... I didn't see that was my seat. Looking at it now, its a bit far from the board, I have been having eye... Issues."

I stutter, realising how stupid I sound because everyone knows about my perfect eye sight and how close my seat is to the front.

"Never mind ahah, I read my name in the wrong place... Again."

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