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Mikey's POV·

I wake up with Marissa by my side, I smile and try to get up without waking her up I slowly move away from the couch which is what we slept on last night I walk to the kitchen seeing my mom cooking breakfast.

"Good morning mom " I say kissing her temple

"Morning Mikey I'm making breakfast so can you please wake up Tommy and tell him I'm making breakfast" she says.

"Ok mom " I say.

I walk out of the kitchen and see that Marissa is up.

"Good morning beautiful" I say wrapping my arms around her.

" Morning babe " she says hugging me.

"My mom is cooking us food if you wanna help I'm gonna get tommy" I say kissing her cheek.

"Yea sure " she says and i lean in to kiss her lips.

"No Mikey not till you brush your teeth" she says getting out of my grip.

"Fine.. ill be right back" I say walking out of the living room.

I walk upstairs and knock on Tommy's bedroom door.

"Come in "Tommy says and I walk in.

"Moms making breakfast" I say.

"Ok ill be down in 5 minutes" he says walking to the bathroom.

I walk out and go to my bathroom to brush my teeth I finish and walk out and see Marissa grabbing some clothes.

"Hey " I say.

"Shit Mikey don't do that "she says pouting.

"Hah sorry" I say kissing her cheek.

"Ok I'm gonna take a quick shower and ill be down in a minute"she says kissing my cheek.

Marissa's POV·

"Ok" Mikey says and leaves his room.

I walk to his bathroom bringing my clothes with me.

I lock the door and start to get undressed.

I turn on the shower and I forgot my shampoo and conditioner so I walk out in my towel and see Mikey laying down on his bed.

I grab my stuff and walk to the bathroom.

I take of my towel and lock the door.

I walk into the shower feeling the cold water hitting my back.

I start to sing God's and monster by lana del Rey.

"In the land of God's and monsters I was and angle"

"Living in the garden of evil"

"screwed up scared doing anything that I needed"

"Shining like a fiery beacon"

I continue singing and finish and get out.

I dry of my Body and wrap my hair up in a pony tail.

I put on my outfit which is a grey tank top shorts and Nikes.

I walk out and get my makeup and hair and I see Mikey staring at me.

"Oh hey " I say.

"Hey " he says smiling like an idiot.

"What " I say looking down at my Body.

"Nothing your just always beautiful" he says and looks at me.

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