Chapter: 3 (unedited)

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''Ma, let me go to him. Please, let me go to him. I need to see him. Plea- Ma...'' Natalie broke down in front of her mom. Sobbing uncontrollably. She fell on her knees and clutched her chest with her hands to relieve herself from the pain somehow.

''Natalie, pull yourself together. They are bringing him here by a helicopter. It would take them time to reach here, sweetie.'' Labana tried to console her daughter but her own tears were continuously falling. She looked at her husband helplessly who was standing with their younger daughter, Alexa. Both looking grim.

''Dad? Should I call a doctor?'' Alexa whispered to her father. 

Her father shook his head,''No. Not yet.''

''Edward?'' Labana whispered. Natalie's father sighed, uncrossed his arms and walked toward his daughter who was crying her heart out. He had never seen his daughter like that and so, he had no idea how to take hold of this situation.

''Darling-'' Natalie cut him off.

''Dad, why aren't they telling us, what happened to...him? What did they really mean when t-they said he isn't waking up? Why isn't he waking up? What kind of accident happened?'' She said between tears.

''Sshh! We'll know, okay? Control yourself.'' 

''Dad, please say everything will be okay. Please say he is okay. Please say he is just fine. And he is..... he is only pulling some kind of prank on us. Please daddy.'' Edward hugged her and patted her head,''Say, Carmine is okay. I need someone to say it. I need to hear it. This pain is not going away.''

Labana motioned toward her younger daughter, Alexa, who was standing in the corner, having no idea what to do. 

Alexa saw her mother and knelt beside her,''Yes, mom?''

''Go, call Dave. Tell him what happened. And to come here right away.''

Alexa nodded and disappeared around the corner.

When she came back. She nervously looked at her mother and sister.

''Eh.. Mama? They are in the hospital. Mr. Hayes just called. They just arrived at the hospital. Carmine is under examination.''

Natalie's head jerked up,'' H-he is here? Carmine is here?' She looked at her dad,'We have to move fast. We have to see him. Dad, come on. We don't have time. They didn't take me there to see him personally and to bring him here. But now, no one can stop me. We are leaving. Now!''

''Yes. We are going. Natalie. Now, get yourself together. He is your friend, I know. He means a lot to you, I know. And you didn't lose him.' he then cupped her cheeks and wiped off the tears,''So, no need for these tears. Be brave, okay?''

She nodded and sniffed,''Can we go now?''

''As fast as we can.'' he promised.

As soon as they reached the hospital. Natalie got out of the car and ran indoors and then toward the receptionist,''I'm Dr. Natalie Houston? Could you please tell me where Lt. Carmine Hayes's room is?They brought him here 20 mins ago.''

''Yes, mam. He is in the emergency room, right now. Go straight, then take a left. You'll find his family outside room#2.''

Natalie didn't even say thank you and ran to find the room# 2. She found Caroline with her husband, Thomas. She was crying on his shoulder. Carmine's younger brother, Drew, was sitting in the corner, his head in his hands. 

Natalie called out to Carmine's mother,''Care Mom!''

Caroline turned around,''Natalie! Oh my God, Natalie!' and she ran toward her and embraced her tightly.''Thank God, you're here. I'm losing my mind. I don't know what to do. My son-my son is in pain and I can do nothing. I can just stand here and wait. Natalie please do something. You are a doctor. You know what to do.''

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