Chapter: 4 (unedited)

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Natalie was welcomed by the beeping sound as soon as she opened the door and entered the room. She paused, allowing her eyes to adjust to the dim light. 

Then she looked ahead and saw Carmine. She stood beside the stretcher where he was flat on his back. The covers reached his waist. He was wearing a light blue T-shirt. His head was bandaged. His dark brown eyes were hidden behind his closed eyelids. And his long and thick eyelashes were brushing against his skin. He also had dark circles underneath his eyes. Also, a 3 weeks beard that made him look all more different. His skin was quite pale. But still he looked peaceful.

Natalie sat on the chair beside his stretcher then touched his cheek with her fingertips. Her eyes filled with unshed tears,''Don't even think of dying, Car. I told you before, that if there was to be someone to kill you. It would be me.''

''Wake. Up. And talk to me. This is the first time in my whole life that I've realized I can endure your sarcastic words. Wake up and tell me in that British accent of yours, which for some reasons girls consider hot, how I look like a heifer in this lab coat or that I look like a clown with my nose all pink.'' She laughed without humor and interlinked her fingers with his'. Then put her head on it.

Her phone started vibrating in her lab coat's pocket. She took it out and looked at the screen. Dave 😍 was calling. She sniffed and accepted the call,''Hello.''

''Hey sweetheart, you okay?'' Dave's soothing voice calmed her a bit.

''Dave.'' Natalie whispered then blinked her tears away.

''I'm so sorry. Alexa called and told me everything. Since then I've been trying to call you but you weren't attending it. You're okay, right?''

Natalie took a deep breath,''I'm fine and yeah my cell was on silent mode.''

''So, where are you?''

''Obviously at the hospital.''

''Where are others?''

''They just left for home.''

''You should've gone with them too.''

''No way! I'm not leaving him.''

''Natalie, I get it he is your friend. But you don't have to stress yourself over him.''

''Seriously? Are you actually telling me that? You know what he is to me.''

''I don't care about that. I only know what you're to me. You're my fiancée and you shouldn't be there. Go home and rest.''

''I am not going. He is my best friend. I'm not leaving his side. And if you're still going to insist on it then I'm ending this call right now.'' Her tears were gone now. So did her fear. It was replaced by anger.

''Natalie, I-' She heard him sigh,''Look, I only want you to be calm, okay? I want you to be in control. You should be ready for this. Carmine isn't immortal. One day he'll-'

''SHUT UP!'' she cried and ended the call then switched it off.

Her whole body was shaking with anger. She closed her eyes and tears came out of them. All of a sudden her hand jerked to a side. She opened her eyes and in shocked silence looked at her hand which held Carmine's. Her knuckles were white and Carmine's fingers were turning white too. Her hold was too tight. She loosened her grip and looked at his face. 

Carmine's eyelids were moving. His eyebrows were drawn together and his dry lips were parting and closing.

Natalie blinked then stood up. ''Carmine?'' She called.

He exhaled heavily and then inhaled. Natalie checked the pulse machine. It was normal. She examined his chest with her stethoscope. It was clear too. He wasn't wheezing. 

Natalie poked his shoulder,'' Carmine. Wake up.'' She whispered. 

''You're not playing a prank on me, are you? You woke up when I shouted at Dave, didn't you?''

''God! what am I saying? Of course you're asleep and here I-'' She was cut off by his groan.

Carmine pulled his hand from her grasp and tried to touch his head with it. But he was so weak that he only managed to rest it on his chest. He tried opening his eyes but it proved quite painful. His vision was blurred. His bloodshot eyes were a problem too. His head felt like it was cracking open.

He heard a distant voice. A voice of a female. She was telling him to breathe and keep his eyes closed. She wanted him to relax. The voice was too soft. It was actually soothing his nerves. He found himself relaxing to that voice. Carmine once again tried to open his eyes and this time he did succeed.

He saw a blurred face.

''Carmine?'' Natalie grinned,''Oh my God, Carmine, can you hear me?'' She pushed the alarm button.

He frowned at her again. His bloodshot eyes were trying to adjust to his surroundings.

''Focus. Carmine focus at a point. Don't look around. It'd be painful.''

He closed his eyes and did as she says. And his point were her eyes. After a while, his vision cleared and he saw incredibly green eyes. He could see her concern there. She was conveying all her feelings through them. She was smiling but tears were falling from her eyes and she kept brushing them away with her fist. Like a baby.

''Carmine?'' he heard her whisper.

He parted his lips but no words came out. He took a deep breath then again tried.

Natalie saw his lips. He was trying to say something.

''Yes. I'm here. Say something.'' he gulped and then again tried saying something. And this time she did hear him. But his voice was too low and husky that she couldn't make out the words. Right then Dr. Benedict entered the room followed by some nurses.

''Try. Try again.'' Natalie continued.

''Take a deep breath and relax. Then try speaking.'' Dr. Benedict instructed calmly.

Carmine obeyed and then whispered,''Water. Thirsty. Some..... water.'' He only took two spoons of it.

''How are you feeling?'' Dr. Benedict asked him.

''Like I'm alive.'' he whispered, trying to keep his focus all with the burning pain.

The doctor gave him a small smile,''That you are. Do you know where you are?''


''Will you be serious for a moment, you idiot? This is important.'' Natalie cried out, losing her patience.

Carmine sighed once again and tried looking around himself. He hadn't really heard her. 

''Do you remember what happened, Lieutenant?''

Carmine opened his mouth as if to say something but then he frowned and closed it, still trying to look around him.




''I-I don't remember. My mind is blank.''

Dr.Benedict looked at him intently.'' What's your name?''

''I'm..... I-I don't know.'' he looked horrified and met doctor's gaze,'' I don't know....who I am.''

Dr.Benedict looked at Natalie with concern who stood frozen in place. He cleared his throat then nodded toward Natalie,'' Do you know her?''

Carmine gazed at her,'' My..' he looked at her coat and the stethoscope  around her neck,'''

''Other than that?'' 

Carmine again moved his gaze back to her,'' I don't know you.''

He repeated his words. And she heard them. They were loud and clear. And those words made her gasp and back away. She felt like someone had pushed her from a cliff.

''What?'' she whispered, unable to believe.

''W-who am I?''he whispered like the third time then met her gaze and asked. His eyes filled with confusion and fear.

''Who are you?''

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