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BEFORE READING THIS CHAPTER: If you have read 'Just One Night' and know Brooklyn and Colton from there, there have been a couple minor changes, one of them being the age gap between them, was a little too large for the idea that I had in mind for this book, so instead of being six years apart, like they were, they are now four years apart. The second change, is with the description of the book that I put up yesterday, since then, I had a new idea and the description needs to be updated. Instead of the last time they saw each other being when Brooklyn was eight, it is going to be when she was eighteen, she is nineteen now. Now, you may read. :) 

Brooklyn ran a hand through her long dark brown hair as she walked out of the Science building, and starting walking toward her dorm building. She was currently taking English and astronomy classes until she figured out what she wanted to do with her life. Right now, college was an escape from her crazy family. Her dad was the president of Mesa MC, Los Angeles charter, which was the mother charter. The next biggest charter was in Oregon, and there were smaller ones all over the west coast. She loved her family, even with all the crazyness, but the MC is all she's ever known, and she was ready to spread her wings a little. Of course, her dad wouldn't let her go without protection, even though she lived in the dorms, and went to class like any normal student, she was far from normal, and everyone knew it.

It was obvious who the motorcycle parked outside of the dorms was there for. The person riding it was always one of the prospects, and they would follow her to her classes, when she went out with her room mate, Victoria, and even three weeks ago when she tried to go to a frat party. The prospect didn't make her leave, but he sure made it clear no one was allowed to come near her. He had made it so awkward, that she left after only an hour, and hadn't been to any parties since.

She got to her building, pulled her key card out of the pocket of her dark wash skinny jeans, and swiped it, opening the door when she heard the 'ding'. She was about to walk inside when she heard heavy footsteps rushing toward her from behind. She acted oblivious to the noise, until she felt a large, strong hand grab onto her shoulder. That was when all the moves her dad taught her came to mind, and she acted without thinking, turning, she kneed the man in the crotch and landed a punch to his eye, before she realized it was the prospect. She gasped, taking a step back.

"Why did you sneak up on me like that?!" She asked, looking at the young man on the floor in pain. His longish dark brown hair sprawled out on the sidewalk.

"I wasn't sneaking!!!" He wheezed out. "I was running, you heard me coming, that's not sneaking." He groaned. She helped him up and dusted off his back, embarrassed by the small crowd forming around them.

"Well, what did you need?" She asked, crossing her arms, sticking her hip out a little bit, looking annoyed.

People already thought she was trouble, having a 'known criminal' as they called it, for a father, why not act the part? If they think she is trouble, she will show them trouble.

"You're dad called, he wants you home, now." The prospect, Alex, said, fully recovered now.

"I have an English class in an hour, tell him I'll come tonight." She said, picking up her book bag, that she had dropped right before the 'attack'.

"You heard what I said, he said 'Now', not tonight, he sounded serious. Told me to call him if you give me any trouble, and he'll come here himself, you don't want that do you?" He asked, glancing at the students that were still watching the two of them with curiosity.

"Fine, but I need to get my leather jacket if I"m riding with you." She told him, before turning around on her heel and taking the elevator to the third floor. She went to her room, told Victoria she was most likely spending the night at her parents house, and that she would be back tomorrow. They had only known each other for about a month, but they had formed a strong friendship, and she knew her friend would worry if she didn't come home that night, without a word.

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