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A/N Okay, so I finally finished a chapter, it's not the best, but I hope you enjoy it.


Brooklyn was sitting at the table, still in her pajamas, eating toast and a bowl of cereal, when the same girl from before walked in, the one with the baby. She looked exhausted, her blue eyes tired and bloodshot, her medium brown hair up in a messy bun, wearing a pair of sweat pants and an old sweatshirt. Her baby on the other hand, looked adorable and hyper.

Brooklyn had seen the girl around the clubhouse a couple of times in the last five days, but it seemed like she mostly stayed upstairs when she was home. Watching as the young woman held the baby with one arm while she tried to make a bottle with the other, while the baby tried to grab anything in reaching distance to put into her mouth.

Getting up, Brooklyn took her dishes and rinsed them off, before sticking them into the dishwasher. "Hey, can I hold her while you do that?" Brooklyn asked, smiling at the young woman.

Sighing quietly, the woman turned toward Brooklyn. "That would be great, if you don't mind. She's such a handful lately. She just turned eleven months, so she's crawling a lot, and standing, I dread when she starts walking." She said with a small laugh.

Brooklyn smiled, gently taking the baby. She was beautiful, green eyes, blonde-ish hair and chubby cheeks.

"My mom and dad said I skipped walking, and went straight to running, let's just hope you get to get use to her walking before having to chase her around." She said, watching at the other woman expertly put together a bottle, and made some weird looking baby oatmeal. "I'm Brooklyn." She introduced herself.

"Lexi." The girl said with a smile. "And that's Lennox." She said, walking over to the table and pulling the high chair to a spot next to her chair. Brooklyn put Lennox in the highchair, before going to make herelf a cup of coffee. "Want some coffee while I'm making some?" Brooklyn asked.

Lexi laughed. "Is it that obvious? I'd love a cup. Len was having a tummy ache last night, so no sleep for me."

Brooklyn set the cup down in front of Lexi, before walking to the fridge and pulling out eggs and bacon. The guys were going to be out of their meeting in the next half an hour, and Brooklyn was going to have breakfast ready for Colton when he was done.

 "That's not fun." Brooklyn said as she cracked eggs into a bowl. There was something about Lexi, she could tell the were going to become friends.

"I'm not doing anything later, if you want to take a nap, I can watch Lennox for an hour or two." She offered, pouring the eggs into a pan.

Lexi was silent, so Brooklyn turned slightly to look at her, and saw the girl looking shocked.

"That's really nice of you, but I'm sure Colton wouldn't like that very much." She said, looking nervous.

"Why would he care?" She asked.

"He's the president of the club, and your his old lady, we aren't supposed to ask you for favors." She said, shrugging.

Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "If he has a problem with me watching Lennox, then he can suck it up, I offered to watch her, you didn't ask. In fact, I'm not asking if I can watch her. I'm going to finish making Colton food, then take a shower, and I'll come to your room at ten thirty to get her. She's my new best friend so we're going to hang out." Brooklyn said with a smirk, making Lexi laugh.

"I like you. You don't take crap from him. I wish I could be like that with Asher." She said, shaking her head.

Brooklyn turned to look at Lexi. "She's Asher's?" Brooklyn asked, slightly shocked, but now seeing it as she looked at Lennox's face. "I thought those eyes looked slightly familiar." She said with a laugh. Asher was Colton's vice president. He was a lot like Colton. Big, moody, intimidating.

Brooklyn (Just One Night #2 Brooklyn's Story) Motorcycle ClubWhere stories live. Discover now