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Brooklyn ordered a cheeseburger, well done, with extra pickles and tomatoes, and a salad instead of fries, while Colton ordered a steak and fries. She looked over at him after the waitress walked away.

"Have you been to the doctor?" He asked her, picking up his coffee.

She shook her head.

"We should call and make an appointment tomorrow. Make sure everything is okay." He told her, taking her hand gently.

"No." She said quickly.

Colton gave her a look. "What do you mean 'no'?" He asked her turning to face her more, but she didn't look at him, she looked straight ahead, down at her hot cocoa. "I'm not ready to yet." She said.

"Brooklyn, isn't this kind of important? I don't know much about this stuff, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to see a doctor right away." He told her, squeezing her hand gently. "I'll go with you, it will be fine." He said.

She shook her head.

"I'm not... I can't go yet. I'm on my parents insurance, they will see the bill. They're going to be so mad." She whispered.

Colton sighed. He wasn't looking forward to facing Jude once he found out, but he agreed that her parents shouldn't find out by getting a bill for her appointment in the mail.

"Don't worry about it babe, we won't go through your insurance. Tomorrow we'll make an appointment and I will pay cash." he said shrugging.

Brooklyn nodded. "I want to visit my parents." She whispered. "I want to tell them in person... Before I start to show." She said.

Nodding, Colton kissed her cheek. "We'll figure it out. I don't want you going to LA, we still haven't figured out much about your dads club, maybe they can come here." He told her.

She nodded, and smiled when the waitress appeared with their food. She was starving. She dug into her burger. "Mmm this is the best burger ever." She said, after swallowing.

Reaching over, she took a fry off of Colton's plate, making Colton laugh and roll his eyes. "Why did you get salad if you wanted fries?" He asked her. Taking a bite of her fry, she  laughed. "I didn't want fries until I saw yours." She said with smirk.

Colton laughed, shaking his head. "You're lucky you're so cute, I don't share my fries with just anyone." He told her as he pushed his plate closer to her, so she had easier access to his fries.

"So you're only sharing with me for my looks?" She asked softly, looking up at him with  small smile.

"No... It might also be because I love you." He told her with a smirk.

She laughed, shaking her head.

It was so easy to fall back to the way they use to be, she was planning on letting him sweat it out a little, that plan went out of the window when he gave her his signature smirk, and told her that he loved her, and that wasn't a good thing, she shouldn't let him think that what he did was okay, but how do you stay angry at someone that you love so much? It felt impossible.

"Stop thinking." He whispered against her ear. "I know that you're still mad at me, and you have a right to be, this doesn't fix anything, I know. I will make it up to you Brooklyn, I promise." He told her.

She looked up at him, he knew her so well, he even knew what she was thinking. She nodded, before taking a deep breath.


Once they finished eating, Colton paid the bill, and they made their way out of the restaurant and to his truck.

They were about halfway home now, and the car was quiet, except for the radio. Brooklyn reached over and turned it down, causing Colton to turn to look at her.

Brooklyn (Just One Night #2 Brooklyn's Story) Motorcycle ClubTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang