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Brooklyn opened her eyes when she heard the bedroom door shut. It has been six weeks since the fight with Colton. They hardly speak anymore. He hasn't apologized, and she hasn't really made a move to talk to him either. The only time they talk is when she asks if they have found anything out about her dad's club, and all he will say is that they hit a wall and they're working on it.

She heard the drawer open and close, then his shirt drop to the floor.

She had asked to change rooms after the fight. It was so awkward, sleeping next to someone you aren't getting along with, or even talking to every night, even though he came to bed hours after she did.

He looked at her and said one word. "No." Then he walked away. She hadn't asked again, she didn't know this version of Colton. Colton always had a 'cold' side to him, but that side had never been directed at her before, but the last six weeks, it seemed like that side of him was reserved for her.

As he turned around to face the bed after changing into the pair of grey sweats that he slept in, she quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep like she did every night.

A loud crack of thunder made her jump, giving away the fact that she was awake. It was four in the morning, but she had been up for a while.

As Colton walked to his side of the bed, Brooklyn sat up a little. The room was dark, but the curtains let in just enough moon light for her to be able to see him.

"I need to go out tomorrow." She told him as he pulled back the blankets and sat down on the bed, adjusting his pillow.

He gave her a look, it was dark in the room, but she could tel he wasn't happy with her going out.

"What for?" He asked.

"I haven't left the club house for a week and a half, I have stuff to do." She said.

"A prospect will take you." He said before rolling over, turning his back to her.

Brooklyn glared at his back for a few seconds, before rolling over, and eventually falling back asleep.

The next morning, Brooklyn was pacing back and forth in Lexi's room.

"He is such a jerk." She vented to her best friend, after telling her about the night before.

"At least he is letting you go." Lexi said, frowning.

"I am not a prisoner here. I should be able to go places when I want to without having a prospect. And he shouldn't need to 'let' me go." She said angrily.

"He's just protecting you. He loves you Brooklyn, you know that. I don't know why he is acting the way he is, but when you aren't looking, he till looks at you the way he did when you first got here, I don't know why he is acting different to your face. He probably feels bad for what happened a few weeks ago." Lexi said, hugging her friend, trying to calm her down.

"You need to talk to him about it, Brooklyn, this is a big deal, keeping it to yourself isn't helping, it's making you a mess." Lexi told her.

"I can't. Not yet" She whispered. "He hates me, and this will just make it worse." She said, shaking her head.

"He doesn't hate you Brooklyn." Lexi told her.

"Brooklyn, you're pregnant, you can't hide this from him for long, it's already been two weeks." Lexi said quietly. "You need to talk to him. Today." She told her.

Brooklyn shook her head. "Not today. I need to think. I don't know what to say. I'll tell him tomorrow." She whispered.

Brooklyn was wide awake at seven the next morning, when her stomach started rolling. She got out of bed as quickly as she could without waking up Colton. This was the third day in a row she's had morning sickness, and she has managed to hide it from Colton, he's a heavy sleeper apparently.

Brooklyn (Just One Night #2 Brooklyn's Story) Motorcycle ClubΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα