Chapter 5: Unearthed

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I open my eyes. 
I rub my neck, it's sore for some reason.
I realize it's because I slept on the couch all night.
It doesn't seem that Harry's here.

I have to pee.

I throw a blanket off of me and head to the bathroom to shower and wash up.

As I walk to bathroom, a strange noise gets louder and louder.

It sounds like someone's crying.

I reach for the door handle...but find that it's locked.
So I try knocking.

The crying stops.

But no one opens the door.

The locks on these door are super old, I can turn  the lock  with a bobby pin, so pull one out of my hair.

I fidget with the bobby pin until I get the lock to slowly turn.

Cautiously , I turn the nob.

I see Harry on his knees on the floor.
He runs his fingers through his hair as he sobs.

He sees me. And he instantaneously changes emotions. He now looks pissed.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Harry yells quickly wiping his eyes.

"I wanted What's wrong?"

"Nothing!!!" Harry belts.

"Okay sorry." I say.

"Get the hell out of my way." Harry pushes me out of his way, knocking me over.

He exits my apartment...slamming the door behind him.

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