Chapter 9: Silence

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I set the book I just finish down on the side table, and reach for the remote. I flip through the channels but nothing good is on.

I could get another book.

I flip through the channels one more time to see if there's anything good I've missed, but there isn't so I grab my car keys and start for the library.

When I step foot into the library I receive a warm smile from the librarian who is a little old woman. There are only a few people at the tables and a few at the computers. One of them...being Harry.

I quickly run behind a book shelf and hope he doesn't see me. When I peek around the corner of the shelf it seems that he's unaware of my presence. The librarian just seems confused by my action.

I skim the shelves for a good book. I remember one I've had in mind. The book I want is over by the computers though and that's where Harry is.

I could just quietly snatch it and check it out and then leave. I plan in my head.

I sneakily walk over to where the book I want is. I skim the shelve until I find it, hiding my face with my hair.

Harry doesn't even look up when I drop the book because he's so tentative at his computer. I curiously glance at the screen from a safer distance the page reads:
Symptoms of childhood trauma

A wave of sympathy actually washes over me. Suddenly Harry closes the page and gets out of his chair and then spots me spying on him.

"I wasn't..I didn't.." I start

"I'm um..know someone who...went through a trauma."  Harry explains but I know he's really talking about himself.

He heads for the door. But I shout after him.
"Wait." I call. I wanted to tell him I was sorry for what happened to him by his mother.

"What?" Harry turns around.

"I.." I don't know what to say.

Harry raises his eyebrows wanting me to finish my sentence.

"I wanted to say how sorry I was..about...your mom." I say.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Harry denies and rushes out the door.

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