Fíli Imagine

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This is about Y/N with Fíli  after they reclaim Erebor and Fili proposes to you.  Everyone also survives the battle as well!  Enjoy and please let me know what you think; vote, comment, and request for any imagines from The hobbit or LoTR!  :)
Your POV:

As I  looked  up at the magnificent view that we had spent so many months fighting over and barely making it past every point without some sort of injury; there was only one person who was there for me personally through the entire way.  Though, the rest of the dwarves were there and being very supportive.  Fili was the only one who knew me better than I knew myself at times. 

It had been five months since we had reclaimed Erebor and our ragtag group of warriors had managed to overcome every obstacle despite the doubts our kin had in the beginning.  I walked down the stone hallway inside the mountain and observed the damage that was still desperately in need of repair from the ruin brought upon over so many years from that dreadful menace Smaug.  Now Fili and Kili were ordered by Thorin to help begin the rebuilding and send news to the Blue Mountains or Ered Luin to have our kin to start the journey back home.

I approached a opening in the rock on one of the walls that was near the main gate that still had yet to be repaired by anyone.  I didn't realize just how long I've been standing there because I felt a hand softly touch my shoulder.  "Y/N" a deep voice said; one I knew very well: Fili.

I turned around and  saw his sparkling blue eyes that had made me fall in love with him from the moment I had laid eyes on him; I know what your thinking.  How cheesy?   I instantly smiled at him and he smiled back at me.  "What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be helping Thorin make repairs and such?" I asked happy but confused.  He looked happy but nervous for some reason and I was starting to get worried.  "Has something happened Fili?" I asked with a worried face.

"No Y/N, nothing has happened.  But Thorin has called for a meeting in the hall of kings for the entire company." he smiles at me.  He leans down and brushes his lips against mine, before I  deepened it.  He smiles into the kiss and then breaks it.  "come we must go and meet our the company.  You know how Thorin doesn't like to be kept waiting." he laughs happily and I do to knowing how true that was during the quest.

A few minutes of trying to navigate the hallways and finally finding the hall of kings which shouldn't have been that hard, but in reality was a little tricky to find despite being here for over six months.

Hand in hand, we both push through the big doors and enter the room to see that it is completely empty.  I looked around the room with confusion which has seemed to be happening a lot lately much to my displeasure.  I looked up at Fili and asked "Do you know what is going on? this better not be one of Kili's ridiculous pranks because I can tell you that I will very much get him back.." I sighed remembering all of the ones he had pulled on me during the quest, but smiling nonetheless because he is still my best friend and like a brother to me.

Fili smirked and laughed "No my love, you have nothing to worry about.  But there is something else I need to ask you here." he looked around slightly nervous.  "My love, we have known each other for years and have grown closer since going on the quest to reclaim our homeland.  From the moment I have looked into your eyes I have fallen in love with you and every single moment since then I do all over again every single time I look at you.  Since almost losing you at the Battle of the Five Armies  I never want to risk losing your or leaving you ever again.  Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked getting down on one knee looking up at me and pulling out a good sized ring.  Not to big and flaunty, but the perfect size.

Tears came flooding to my eyes after he was finished with his speech.  I couldn't have had a bigger smile on my face.  "of course I yes!!" I exclaimed.  He stood up putting the ring on my finger and smiling so greatly at me with much love that I did not deserve.  And I pulled him into a hug so tightly and he pulled away a little and pulled me into a deep kiss in which we both smiled in it. We pulled away and rested our foreheads against one another.

"men lananubukhs menu" I murmured softly.

"men lananubukhs menu" he softly said back.

And from there on then I knew that we would be happy for the rest of our lives as long as we stayed true to one another.

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