Aragorn Imagine (family) Part 2:

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A/N:  As Arya learned of her true identity.  Aragorn and her decided to travel into the wilds and become Rangers of the North.  Aragorn assumed his position as Chieftain of the Dúnedain, and Arya became second in command.  Her and Aragorn are now at the age of 87. Her horse's name is: Vórima: Faithful
T.A. 3018:  (67 years later) Arya POV:

As Arya stepped over fallen logs, and could hear the crunch of dried leaves and sticks underneath her boots.  She cringed every time she heard the noises, for it was like a homing beacon to alert the Black Riders of their location.  At that moment she wished she had the graceful, light footfalls of the elves.  She and her brother, Aragorn, were scouting the outer wooded area just off the distance of the Tower of Amon Sul.  Arya could barely see the outline of her that was a couple of yards ahead of her; the night seemed endless and you could feel the eeriness of the woods. 

She had a tight grasp on the pommel of her sword that was placed in a defensive position, ready to parry any surprise attack.  Arya had the hood of her cloak pulled up over her head due to the chill in the air. 

As she kept her steady pace behind her brother, it felt like hours that they were out there searching the area for any signs of the Black Riders.  Looking ahead, Arya noticed that Aragorn suddenly stopped, frozen in place.  She know that his senses were very keen; walking up to his side.  "Brother, what did you find?" Arya whispered looking up to meet his grey eyes. 

Aragorn stiffened and placed a steady hand on her shoulder.  Leaning down slightly to her height, "Listen." Was all he said in her ear.  She strained her ears to block out common sounds that would be heard in the forest, and tried to pinpoint anything unusual.  After a minute or two, she picked up the steady thuds of hoof beats on the ground, which was followed by a sharp, ear-piercing shriek/scream.  That of the Nazgul. 

Arya could stiffened, and could feel her brother mimicked her.  Reaching up and pulling her hood down; as she breathed out heavily, she could see that just with the presence of the Black Riders made the night seem even more colder.  "Nazgul!  Make haste, for I do not know how long the hobbits will be able to defend themselves from those dark creatures!" Aragorn spoke quickly to her. 

They both started in a dead sprint, swords in hand, toward the old ruins.  Leaping over tree roots, and decaying logs that lay on the forest floor.  Arya desperately tried to pay attention to where she was placing her feet in effort to make it to the hobbits faster.  Aragorn lead right in front of her, and as the old ruins came into view, they could see the Nazgul scaling the side of the great watchtower, their horrifying shrieks heard for miles, echoing in their eardrums. 

"Aragorn! We should make for the path on the other side, it is faster!" Arya called panting slightly from the running.  Aragorn looked behind and nodded in acceptance to her idea. 

As they reached the top of the tower, Aragorn had miraculously found a lit torch, and started igniting the Black Riders.  As one of the Nazgul advanced on her, she had pushed Merry and Pippin behind her. 

The scent of death overwhelmed her nose as the Nazgul approached with its sword raised to strike.  In a defensive position, she met the strike of the creature's sword with a loud, resounding clang of steel.  Arya could hear the hobbits whimpering behind her in fear of the evil creatures.  "Merry, Pippin, stay behind me!  I swear I will protect you!"  She exclaimed grunting as she parried every blow coming from the Black Riders.

Arya twirled around, just narrowly missing being deeply cut on her side.  She made sure the hobbits were out of reach of the Nazgul.  As the Nazgul pulled is sword from the ground, another one joined it in the fight against her. 

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