The Line of Durin family imagine

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imagine if Fili and Kili had a younger sister and she is about five years younger than Kili which makes her about seventy-two...  but this is one is about before the quest for the mountain; where Fili, Kili, and their younger sister are only in their teens.  (Fili: 13  Kili: 8 and Aria: 3).  All three of them are wondering around outside in a meadow outside their house without the supervision of their parents.  A/N:  let me know what you guys think of this imagine and please keep requesting/giving me ideas to write!   Vote, comment, and request to your heart's content!  :)


3rd POV:

As Fili, Kili, and their little sister Aria ran about in a meadow close to their house; chasing each other to their heart's content.  Though, being the oldest, Fili should've known better to let his mother and uncle Thorin know that they were outside by themselves, especially with their little sister whom of which was only three years old at the time and could barely walk or defend herself.

As Fili and Kili chased each other to their as fast as their little legs could carry them.  Their little sister Aria was struggling to keep up with her big brothers because her legs were not strong enough to carry her as her elder brothers' had.  As her big brothers kept advancing further and further from her, she was starting to get more nervous to be by herself and she wasn't used to that since always being with her mother or Uncle Thorin's constant supervision.

As she got more tired she came to a halt, panting and trying to call to her brothers and get their attention.  But it was useless; their were to far away.  Eyes tearing up, she yelled "Fee, Kee!!  Wait for me!"  she yelled panting straining her neck to peer over the tall grass to no avail. 

Whimpering and tearing up Aria tried to find her way back to her home to go to her mother and uncle, but she was very lost without the guidance without her brothers.  An hour later she spotted a tall tree in the distance and thought she could climb to the top and see if she could spot her house or her family.  But again, she couldn't because the sun had started to set and she was still to far away.

As Fili and Kili had ended their chase with one another, they had headed back to their house unknowingly thinking that they had their baby sister trailing along right behind them.  "Fee, that was fun!  We should do that again tomorrow and see who wins next time; I was so close to winning and so was Aria!"  Kili said excitingly to his big brother.  "Yeah Kee we should but next time we should have a different course to make it more tougher!" Fili agreed with his sibling.

As they approached the front door of their house, little did they know that their mother: Dis, and their Uncle Thorin were waiting on the other side worried sick because they haven't appeared all day.

As they came through the front door and their mother caught sight of them she was immediately relieved and very mad at the same time.  She rushed over to grasp them in a tight hug.  While their uncle had his signature frown on his face and they both gulped knowing they were in deep trouble.

"Where have you two been?!  I've been worried sick!  Where is Aria?  Please tell me she is coming?!" Dis asked her sons quickly.  "Momma she is right behind us---" Kili started and looked behind him and not seeing his sister their; he started to panic.  "Kee, I thought you knew she was right behind us!" Fili panicked trying to look for their younger sibling.  

Dis stood up and looked at her brother with a grief-stricken expression for her only daughter.  Thorin put on a worried face, rarely seen.  "Dis, I'll get Dwalin and Balin.  We'll start combing through the fields and forests for her.  Stay here with the boys and wait to see if she comes back at all and send word." Thorin commanded in a stern but soft and worried voice.  Dis nodded and Thorin grabbed his cloak by the door and sword and headed out to search.

Aria got down the tree very slowly.  But not without scratching herself on branches on the way down.  As she got down to the furthest branch, she slipped and came crashing to the ground.  As she lay on the ground crying her eyes out and clutching her now broken arm; she stayed put and decided to wait for her family to come and find her.

"Uncle Thorwin! Momma, Fee, Kee! Where are you?!" she yelled into the night, desperately trying to find them from where she was at.

As Thorin combed through the woods looking for his little niece, he was beginning to lose hope of finding her.  He could hear Dwalin and Balin nearby because of the crunching of the grass and sticks.  "Don't worry Thorin we'll find her." he heard Balin say from a few feet away.

"I know.  I'm just worried about where she could've wondered off to." he stated solemnly. 

Then he heard a soft cry coming from the edge of the woods and a yell.  "Uncle thorin---" a little voice said.  He ran over to the tree line and low and behold he saw his crying little niece curled in a ball clutching her arm.  He kneeled down and put a soft hand to her shoulder.

"My dear, what has happened to you?" he questioned softly.

Aria whimpered softly and saw her uncle and jumped into his waiting arms saying nothing.

As Thorin had her safely in his arms he called Dwalin and Balin back.  "How is she Thorin?" Dwalin questioned looking at the little princess.

"she is fine, but she has a broken arm." Thorin replied as they walked back to their home.  As they entered the house; Dis rushed over crying and gathered her daughter from her brother.

Later on they had Oin come over and put a splint on her broken arm and left the house.

Dis had put her little girl to bed, while Fili and Kili hovered over their sister feeling extremely guilty.  They both got in the huge bed that they shared and hugged their sister, while being mindful of her hurt arm; all falling asleep together.

Early the next morning Dis went to check on her children and found them asleep together, all having smiles on their faces, arm in arm, asleep. 

As Dis closed the door softly, smiling to herself happy that she had all three of her children safe and sound together.  That they had such a close bond with each other that would there throughout their entire lives.

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