Kili Imagine

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A/N: This is for chloejinx , thanks for requesting, and I hope you like it!   Vote, comment, and request away.   :)   A female dwarf by the name of Emily, or Em, fondly nicknamed by Fili & Kili.  She is about 80 years old, which is about only three years older than Kili, and two years younger than Fili. The song above is called: Sleepsong by: Secret Garden.

3rd POV:

As the townsfolk of Laketown meandered around the twists and turns of the town, avoiding one another.  There was a shadow of uncertainty and fear that had set deep in the bones of the weary Lake-folk, for that they had they knowledge that the company of dwarves that had entered their town just few days previous, were in the depths of the Lonely Mountain that shadowed their town. 
Some were in favor of the dwarves reclaiming the solitary mountain from the Fire Drake that had laid waste on it decades prior.  From the promise of the dwarven King that they may get a share in the wealth once the great beast was defeated, but others were not as hopeful.  The lingering fear that the beast may escape the holds of the mountain and reek havoc upon their town, that was previously occurred in Dale.   For there was a prophecy that was foretold, and retold to them by Bard, it stated:

"The King beneath the mountain
The King of carven stone
The Lord of silver fountains
Shall come into his own.

His crown shall be upholden
His harps shall be restrung
The halls shall echo golden
To songs of yore resung.

The woods shall wave on mountains,
And grass beneath the sun.
His wealth shall flow in fountains
And the rivers golden run.

The streams shall run in gladness,
The lakes shall shine and burn,
All sorrow fail and sadness
At the Mountain-King's return!"


Yet, not all of the dwarves had returned to the mountain.  Emily, or Em, a female dwarf that had joined the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, with the same hopes as her fellow dwarves.  To reclaim their homeland, rid of the beast that was the sole cause of their people's misery and ruin. 

Em had grown up with the mischievous dwarven Princes.  Her mother was a close and personal friend to their mother Dis, Emily's mother would always bring her over when she wanted to see her old friend, which was very often, and from that moment on, Fili, Kili, and Emily had a bond that was unrivaled.

Now, all Emily could do was pace around the room in Bard's house.  She couldn't stand hearing or seeing Kili in such pain.  When they were escaping the Woodland Realm in the barrels, Kili was brave and foolish as she put it, to go and risk his life to raise the gate that they were all trapped behind to escape capture from the Woodland Elves, but in the process of his heroic efforts he was shot with a black arrow of the filthy orcs, in the leg.

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