Saving Fili on Raven Hill

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This is about Y/N saving fili from being killed by Azog on Raven Hill in the Battle of the Five Armies.  Y/N is a close family friend to Thorin and the rest of his family and a fellow dwarf; her father had fought alongside Thorin at the battle for Moria too.  A/N:  Hey guys!  thanks for all of the votes and comments they do help a lot and please if you have any requests for imagines don't be shy!  Vote, comment, request.  This very long chapter is to make up for the delay!  Enjoy!  :)



As I swung my twin blades at the orcs approaching me, stabbing them in the gut.  Wrenching my swords free from the disgusting creature.  I looked around to see if I could spot any of my fellow dwarves and that if they had needed any assistance.  From here I could spot Dwalin swinging his war hammer at a orc's head, in turn making me smirk because at least it was one less of those things that we had to deal with.

As more of the disgusting things came charging at me, I kept up with a steady pace of killing them, but my energy was draining from hours upon hours of this grueling battle that could have been completely avoided in the beginning.  As much as I am close to the line of Durin.  Thorin had a tendency to become very stubborn, but it had not helped that the dragon sickness was slowly taking over his mind.

For now I was focused on finding Fili, Kili, and Thorin.  I needed to know that they were okay so at least my mind would be at peace for the moment. 

As I kept swinging my swords around killing orcs; I spotted a war ram running without a rider.  Running over to it.  I swung myself up in it's rider less saddle.  I urged it forward running closer towards the mountain.  If anything, Thorin would want to be more uphill so he had a better vantage point to see the entire battle transpiring.  I also had a gut-feeling that they were all up there.

As I rode up to Raven Hill on the ram, there were oddly not that many orcs or anything the further I went up.  This made me even more cautious because it felt like something bad was coming.

As I reached the top.  I stopped the war ram and hopped off.   Then out of now where I spotted our small burglar making his way through around rocks to avoid any of the opposition.  I jogged over to him.  "Master Baggins!" I whispered to him; trying to not scare him to much.  He looked as though I gave him a heart attack, for he jumped pretty high in the air.  "Sorry Bilbo, I didn't mean to startle you!" I whispered smiling at him.  He nodded.

"Y/N, you scared me.  We must go warn Thorin and the others! They are in a trap!" he murmurs to me and we both started making our way to go and find the others.

A couple of minutes later I spotted a familiar blonde hair and braids.  Gesturing Bilbo over; I went over to Fili.

As I saw all of them.  Fili and Kili looked over and our eyes met; they both had looked relieved that I was fine and not injured over in the battlefield.  "Are you guys okay?  The battlefield is brutal; we are losing men by the second." I said to them with a grave expression.

Thorin comes up to us and says: "Where is he?" referring to the pale orc.

"Looks empty.  I think Azog has fled!" Kili says hopefully.

"I don't think so...Fili, take your brother.  Scout out the towers.  Keep low and out of sight.  If you see something; report back, do not engage--do you understand?"  Thorin questions the brothers.  I had a bad feeling about all of this.  "Thorin let me go with them, please, I have a bad feeling about this?" I plead to him.  His eyes soften and he gives a firm nod.

"You must be careful Y/N, these are dangerous times.  Watch your back and please return!" he orders softly.   I nod.  Thorin looks at me again and opens his mouth as if he wants to say something else.  He walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. 

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