Mario Kart Legend

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i had such an unproductive day omg

i woke up at 9 and was like "yeah! i'm gonna clean and have a good day!"

me: *falls back asleep and wakes up again at 1*

me: what? i went back to sleep?

brother: wake up and play with me or else your the worst sister ever.

so my morning- well technically afternoon, wasn't so great. but then I went downstairs and ate some cinnamon toast crunch and it was all good.

i spent the rest of the day getting A rankings on Mario Kart courses and then BAM.

"you have unlocked mirror mode!"

oh yeah! Dan is so proud of me.

you know, i would consider myself over averagely good at Mario Kart and i really want to know if i could beat Dan. like pls Daniel if you're reading this come play me at Mario Kart and I'll kick your butt maybe. ^.^

i realized that I physically can't digest Mexican food without have major stomach aches afterwards. it sucks because I love Mexican food.

um what else

i released my new book which you should go read, I'm gonna try to update twice every week; we'll see how that goes.

i liked Dan's video today, I'm not gonna spoil it if you haven't watched it (hehe c:).

should I do a qotd? sure why not.

qotd: what's your Zodiac sign?

aotd: i'm a Taurus :0

k bye.

- Lee


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