school ugh

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so today was my second day of school.


it's so annoying. all of these peasants surrounding me, i hate it sooooo much.

the only thing i am (kind of) enjoying is band and my science teacher.

band is awesome because i get to freaking spaz out on my saxophone. (not really i didn't play all summer and now i suck)

and my science teacher is just the most amazing teacher ever. she knows we're under a lot of stress, and she knows that some of us are going through some really rough times (myself included) and she doesn't expect the world from us. she says that as long as we do our best she will be extremely proud of us, and it's nice to know that is a C is my best, it will be okay.

but i like seeing my old friends, haven't made any new ones yet.

i had a pre-test today for geography. and i guess my past teachers didn't teach as much as they were supposed to, because i had no clue what half of the answers were on the test. oops.

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