what a coincidence

24 1 8

so today i went outside. and man was it a doozy.

i actually went to orientation today. i went to my school to go meet my new teachers and look at my new school. it's pretty nice.

so at the front office they hand me my papers and are like 'lol, this is all you need to know'.

so i start looking over my schedule when i realize they didn't put athletics on my schedule; yes i signed up for athletics, i want to loose some weight and show off my new swaggy tennis shoes. but i just shrugged it off. i mean it just means less work for me, and i'd have to completely change my schedule. and i got all the good teachers and i wasn't giving that up.

i then start walking around the school and i realize that i got all the AP classes i could've gotten. wow, i is v smartalious. but that means that i get more stress but at least i am making my parents proud. that's really all that matters to me in school, i want my parents to be like "yeah lol, that's my daughter and she's very smart and your son is giving her crap about it and he doesn't know that he'll be scooping her poop up in 12 years."

i honestly laugh when people make fun of me for being smart. because they don't know that one day they might be polishing my shoes and i will kick them in the face whilst they do so.

but i got to the locker hallway and go to the locker they assigned me.

but the form they gave me had a 'B' in front of the number, but my mom and I just ignored it. so we try to open my locker and we can't, so we talk to some others girls mom and she can't get hers open either and hers had a 'B' in front of the number, too.

so then we do the thing that makes the most sense, we go through my schedule and i walk to all of my classes again and again until i get the general idea of where they're all at.

but we run into the girl that had locker trouble, and her mom tells us about the 'B'.

so apparently, the 'B' stands for band....

they couldn't have told us that at the beginning?

so not only do i have a 'band locker', they didn't tear that part of the school down.

so i get an old wooden locker.

i mean, i was expecting something to go bad, i'm Lee... something always goes bad.

so we walk down to the band room to go look and my locker and stuff... but it's closed off.

i don't even get to go see my locker and practice my combination. of course.

but i guess it's kind of convenient, after i get off the bus i can put my saxophone in the band room, then go to my locker which is right outside.

but i'm still very mad because THEY'RE WOODEN.




LIKE SOMEONE COULD POP MY LOCKER AND STEAL MY PHONE AND MY LUNCH (that actually happened to me last year, and i didn't even have any lunch money).



school hasn't even started and i'm already very not okay.

but i do get art this year, and keyboarding, and geography.

lots of new stuff.

and i have like no friends in ANY of my classes, maybe 1 or 2 with 2 friends out of my 7 classes.

i'm gonna have to make friends and be social and not feel secure talking to people with my friends around so they make sure indoor say anything weird.

i'm gonna DIE.

and i also bumped into a boy.

so i was walking down a hallway, and he was standing sideways looking at something.

and when i walked passed him, i wasn't really paying attention and i ran into him. and i accidentally touched his butt.

so it was really awkward because for the past 3 years i have been hardcore shipped with this dude by everyone in the school. they call us "Dee" (his name + Lee), but we don't even talk really. i mean yeah, he's very cute, but it just makes things awkward because every time we have a class together, i swear our teach plays match maker and puts us right beside each other. and everyone in the class chants 'kiss! kiss! kiss!' and ugh, peer pressure.

but anyway, i hope you school year start off way better than mine.

qotd: what is your goal for this school year?

answer: to be friends with this girl who i recently found out is phan trash as well.

i hope you have a wonderful day/night, and i'll see you l8tr m8tr t8ter. okay i'll stop now.


- Lee


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