Things I Hate Tag

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i was tagged by crashing-down to do the 'things i hate tag' i tag the following:




1. I hate it when i microwave food and it sound like there's bombs going off in the microwave and when i take it out, the food is still cold.

2. I hate it when people expect me to dress nicely for them. like no, i'll wear skinny jeans and a sweat shirt you aren't worth the effort to look nice.

3. I hate cartoons they play today, like what ever happened to the good shows like iCarly, Suite Life of Zach and Cody, Hannah Montana, and everything else i watched as a kid?

4. I hate it when I have my period at the most unwanted times, such as the week school starts -.- (pls pray for me)

5. I hate it when people say 'y'all' and i live in the south so it's the most inconvenient thing ever.

6. I hate when i pour a bowl of cereal and then go to the fridge and realize we have no milk.

7. I hate it when people are rude for no reason whatsoever.

8. I hate it when after someone realizes they've hurt me, they try to comfort me and tell me they're sorry. no, you're not sorry, and ew get off me.

9. I hate it when people of the 'higher class' make fun of people from the 'lower class' because they think that because their parents have money their life is going to be so much better?

10. I hate it when i go out to eat with someone and they're on their phone constantly. like no, pay attention to me, i have things to talk about.

11. I hate it when people say bless you after someone coughs.

12. I hate the sounds of someone scraping a metal fork against a glass plate

13. I hate it when my brother/dad/whoever hides at the bottom of my stairs and scares me when i get to the bottom.

14. I hate it when i hear my stairs creak at night  and i convince myself that an animatronic from fnaf is coming up my stairs to kill me.

15. I hate it when i get sunscreen in my eyes.

16. I hate it when people pronounce 'exactly' 'exacly' ... another inconvenience of living in the south, it's very commons here -.-

17. I hate it when people tell me that i can't do something. WATCH ME! I'M GONNA DO IT AND PROVE YO BUTT WRONG

18. I hate it when people make fun of my music taste. yeah i listen to Twenty Øne Pilots and Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. at least i'm not listening to song about people smoking weed and having sex *cough*

19. I hate it when i'm in an argument and the person i'm arguing with brings up something stupid that i dad 2 years ago. like i'm a DIFFERENT PERSON. I AM NOT THE LITTLE GIRL I WAS 2 YEARS AGO, I'VE GROWN A LOT AND I WAS LITERALLY A KID 2 YEARS AGO.

20. I hate it when people put pressure on other people.

21. I hate people at my school.

22. I hate school.

23. I hate how much i care about people who don't care about me.

24. I hate how i hold myself accountable for other people making stupid decisions.

25. I hate how i blame myself for family members/friends feeling stressed out or sad.

26. I hate it when people say you can't love/care about someone you've never met. like i have never met Dan and Phil, and those two men mean so much to me. i care about how they're doing, i love them because they have done countless things that have saved me from killing myself.

27. I hate it when people assume things.

28. I hate it when people use the word 'retarded' as an insult. that word is so offensive and serious, it's a mental disorder, not some joke.

29. I hate it when people assume that all people of the same race/religion/culture are all the same. like i am a Christian, not afraid to say that. but a lot of people are hesitant to tell me things because of past experiences with judgmental people. like yes, i am a Christian, but i'm not gonna hate you because you're gay, or you have done some rough things in your past. i'm not perfect, and i am in no place whatsoever to judge ANYONE.

30. I hate it when the feels are too real.

31. I hate that there are people in the world that are hurting just as i am, and i can't help them.

so yeah, there you go.

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