backpack essentials

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here's a few ideas that I thought might be helpful to put in your backpack!

-textbooks & binders ; bring what you need to study or do homework for the next day.

-pencil case : bring extra pencils for your friends to borrow if you want, and also bring a mechanical pencil for yourself (never let anyone borrow that or they won't give it back, trust me), bring an eraser and some pens.

-girls emergency kit :

tampons :
just in case. you can also let your friends borrow because it's a real emergency.

makeup remover/makeup to re apply :
if you put makeup on, then don't forget just in case it rains.

oil absorber sheets :
also, if your skin is oily, bring oil absorber sheets, they help!

lip balm:
DONT forget chapstick/lip balm. I always bring two : an eos in my pocket (the mint one is the best for winter and the raspberry is good for all seasons), and I always have a cherry me babylips in my emergency girl kit just in case something happens to my eos (two eos fell from my hand and they were open & I lost one so never forget the just in case one)

deodorant :
this is an essential! put some on in the bathroom if you feel stinky. most people put deodorant on after PE, but trust me, that'll make you stinkier because deodorant and sweat... just don't.

-a snack
something that you can eat throughout the day. I recommend bringing a granola bar because it's not bad for your health

I recommend bringing two packs of gum ; one empty and the other one full. so if someone sees that you're chewing gum, and they ask you for one, show them the empty pack.

don't bring a glass container, or it might break. just bring a plastic container so you can put it on your wrists throughout the day. this can also be used after PE, but only on your wrists since your neck will be full of sweat.

-a water bottle
this is really important. ALWAYS bring a water bottle. it helps with acne and you need to stay hydrated. I feel like drinking water all the time just because my water bottle is cute as heck, hahah. plus, you need one with you at school because the water fountains are always full of people and you don't want to get a late pass!

-your phone
no explanation needed. if I ever forget my phone then I'll be so mad omg.

-your earphones
so you can listen to music or watch YouTube videos/Netflix if your school has wifi (I seriously watch Netflix at school, not even kidding).

don't forget to :






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