tumblr grunge makeup look tutorial

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hey guys! here's a grunge makeup look tutorial(: if you're somehow not into grunge, then you can just skip this. I'll be posting a 'girly' tumblr makeup look tutorial soon!

disclaimer : if your skin looks fine, like if you don't have any acne, then don't use all the products I'm saying to use. if you don't have any acne, these products will probably get you some with time. so do not use any of these face products without being sure that your skin is in need of that. thanks(:

grunge :
-we're gonna start off with the concealer. the best kind is a lightweight one. BB cream is a good idea too!
take the concealer and spot it all over your face, then use a makeup sponge to blend it all together.

-to set the concealer, you'll be needing a powder. take a face brush and get the concealer all over the brush, then dot it all over your face. once you've done that, go back through and blend it in nicely so that it covers up the concealer. make sure you can't see the makeup on your skin.

-use a little bit of a darker color than your skin foundation and apply it in a line going diagonally down your cheek, starting from your ear and ending at your mouth. blend this in with a sponge. now use a white eyeliner and make 2 lines on each cheek around where your foundation had been. also blend that in with a sponge.

-now you're going to need a primer. squirt a little bit of the primer on your finger, for it on each of yours eyes then rub it. now take a nude color, and dab it all over each of your eyelids. then take a black and put it right on the side of your crease, nearest your ear.

-take a black eyeliner and make a line on your top, don't make one on your waterline. now heat up your eyelash curler with a blow dryer, then let it for a few minutes until it's not too hot. then, curl your eyelashes. blow drying the curler makes a big difference, a good one. then, put on some mascara. I recommend putting on a ton, just to make the look more 'grunge'. but, in order to do that, use a good mascara that won't make your eyelashes way shorter. maybelline makes my eyelashes a LOT shorter, so I don't recommend using that if you're putting on a ton. a natural mascara is the best option(:

-use a red, purple or black lipstick. I personally use dark red Mac lipsticks very often, just because it looks really grungy. and if you want, you can add a coat of clear lipgloss.

don't forget to :






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