guide to : life

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when you look in the mirror, is there anything you don't like about yourself? it's time to change it. I'm not saying to change it for other people, I'm saying work hard so in the future, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you will like what you see. in that way, you will become confident about how you look and who you are. don't be like "that girl said that everyone is beautiful in their own way, so I'm beautiful like this". no, this will only lead you to liking yourself for a little and then, you will regret not caring. I am not saying that you're not beautiful, you are, but if you don't leave room for improvement, you won't become as high as you expect.

you have to work
on yourself
for yourself
by yourself.

what I meant by that is, you're working on yourself for yourself, not for anyone else. your work is to please YOU. once you like yourself, you will have enough confidence to not give a damn about what others think. you're working by yourself, so it's you that is gonna work and get that body that you always wanted or anything else. nobody else can do the job. get off your phone after reading this tip and go change your life!
if you like your weight, hair or/and anything else about yourself, that's good, because you won't have to change that just to feel beautiful. however, if you feel self-conscious or the need to be something else to be beautiful, let's get to work together!

|| if you want to lose weight ||

-step one: inspiration;

first, you need inspiration. that's not something that you will be needing once. go on WeHeartIt, or Instagram, or any other social media app where you can find inspiration. search for inspirational workout quotes. print them out or write them down with colorful pens/pencils, and hang them on your walls. or, set the best one as your lock screen. you can also write some on Post-Its, and hang them anywhere you want. I recommend hanging them on your walls, laptop, in your clear phone case (if you have one), or in your locker. just make sure it is somewhere you will see them.

-step two: workout outfit;

get a cute workout outfit. also, always have a water bottle with you just in case you get thirsty. make sure you have comfortable shoes so your feet won't hurt you.

-step three: working out;

there are different kinds of workouts, here are three ways that I could think of;

I recommend going to the gym and running on a treadmill or on a gym bicycle. blast some music on while you're there, and have fun!

running outside:
however, if you don't have a gym near your house, you can also run outside. don't overthink it, just put on your workout outfit and shoes, grab your water bottle and head out the door. don't forget to tie up your hair!
go for a nice twenty minutes run, or more. I recommend using the app "nikes running" to count your steps, time and km while you run.

working out at home:
the best way to workout at home is to use an app. I have a fitness apps tip, so go check that out if you want to download any.
SWORKIT lite is by far my favorite. try it out!

get involved in sports. go swimming, play basketball, soccer, football, tennis or anything that you'd like. I personally swim a lot, and it helps me stay in shape.

step four: setting yourself a workout goal;

weight yourself. don't feel down if you think it's a lot, because you're gonna work it out! so write down your weight and your goal weight. I really really recommend keeping a fitness journal to write down all the workouts and different kinds of stuff.

if you're running outside, try your first run. let the tracking app "moves" count your steps the first time you run. if you ran for twenty minutes, you got a specific amount of steps. next time you run, try to run more steps than last time in the same amount of time. so, write down all of the information of every run in your fitness journal.
I recommend running everyday. you can maybe have a relaxing day, so maybe run 5 or 6 days a week? just do whatever you feel like doing.

step five: having a healthy diet;
it is very important to have a healthy diet. not only to attend your weight goal, but also to have a happy life.
you can not live happily while eating junk food all day, you will feel sick and annoyed.
plus, you will gain so much weight that you will regret eating that.
to have a healthy diet, don't skip a meal. breakfast is very important, as well as lunch and dinner.
eat lunch in a smaller plate than usual, to trick yourself into eating less.
do not eat dinner after 8 pm, or it will mess up your digestion and the fat will be stored, not digested.
instead of having unhealthy snacks, eat fruits. at first, I hated fruits and vegetables. but thanks to my sister, I started eating and liking them and I seriously don't regret eating them a few hours later, unlike junk food.
having a healthy diet improves your digestion system, which makes your stomach bloating less than if you eat unhealthy.
|| if you don't like your hair ||

maybe you don't like your hair, or you're bored of it. try dyeing the tips of it, but make sure that you're willing to cut the tips once the color starts fading. you can also re dye the same part of your hair instead of cutting it. honestly, I wouldn't dye all of my hair. it might turn out bad, and dyeing it will extremely damage it, so even if I want to go back to normal, it won't be the same.
if what you don't like about your hair is that it's curly or straight, straighten it or curl/braid it at night time, whenever you feel like looking fabulous. try out new hairstyles if you're bored of how it looks like, and most importantly, have fun!(:

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