Chapter 13- Bad Luck

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Chapter 13- Bad Luck

" Are you sure?" Lil asked. Lowe paced the narrow hallway from wall to wall.

" Yes! This is definitely it. Pauly and Avairy started from the stairs and went along the hallway. It was the last door that had that strange room in it." He was more talking to himself than to her. He knew he was right, but how had the room changed?

" Maybe it's a...oh, what's it called? Like, what happened to that woman in Majorca, with her villa..." He turned to Lil, shocked. She stopped trying to think when she saw his face. " Sorry, am I wrong?"

" No, no! You might be right! The case where Luci Saville bought a house that was possessed by it's last owner's spirit. It could move itself, and change the rooms around without anyone being aware of it until they opened a door." He stared at her. Lil, who never stayed awake in class, and was barely passing, had managed to remember that one case and link it to their current situation? But he had distinct memory of her skipping class the day they learnt that case. How did she suddenly get so clever? " How did you know that?"

" Bosch went over it again for us."

" But you don't pay attention to Bosch?"

" I didn't want to be with Greg, so I went to class, and Bosch literally watched me to make sure I was listening. Without you and Avairy there, the average class grade dropped and he blames me for slacking off."

" Why didn't you want to be with Greg?" He asked. That was the second time she said something about avoiding him. She hesitated, as if she only just realised what she'd said, before speaking quickly.

" He was busy studying and I didn't want to bother him." She said too fast. He knew she was lying, and was about to call her out for it, when he heard Marcus shout from downstairs.

" Guys, Investigator Pauly's walking up the path!"


Of course she had known he was up to something. She wasn't stupid. When she had offered him a lift home, he had refused, telling her he had parked around the corner. Believable. But when she saw him watch her car until it left, she knew he was just waiting for her to leave. So she had parked again around the corner, and used a compact mirror from her glovebox to see around the corner. She could see why Cristian often joked she previously worked as a spy.

She had watched him meet with Lowe, Lil, and two others she didn't know, and go in the house. She clapped the compact shut and sighed. Obviously it would be Lowe. He never seemed the type to listen to orders, especially hers. What was she going to do?

She stood for a while trying to think of a plan. The problem wasn't so much that Lowe was being...well, himself, but more that if anyone found out Cristian had taken civilians into a class red area, he would be fired. She had barely kept her job for what happened to Avairy, but even she couldn't help him with this. If anything happened to them...

Making the choice to go in and find them, she walked quickly along and up the pathway. When she reached the door, she opened it and slipped inside, checking that no one saw her. The door clicked as it shut, but it wasn't locked. She turned and realised the house was darker than she was used to.

She didn't see anyone, but she knew they were still here somewhere. They were hiding, probably. She looked around to try and think where they might be, and her eye caught on the long rug that stretched the length of the main hallway. It was an outdated pattern, and faded from age. It's edges were surrounded by tassels, which she noticed were askew around the door to the place that had contained the eyes. She sighed. She should have known that would be where they checked first.

She opened the door, wondering if it would be a the normal stairs down to the basement, or if the eyes would plaster the walls again. Instead, she was even more confused. The door revealed the computer room where Avairy was last seen. But that room was upstairs, not here. What was going on?

She checked the door that was supposed to lead to the kitchen, and it did. How can one room change? She was apprehensive to go into the room, but decided it was her best way to try and figure out what was happening. The room was the exact same as last time, a single bed, the monitors along the wall, and the desk with a single chair. The screens were all off this time, and when she tried to switch on the computer that controlled them, she found it was unplugged completely. When she kneeled down to try and find the plug to put it back in, she heard a slam. She jumped up, spinning around.

The door had closed. She abandoned her search at the computer and walked back across the room. She pulled the handle, but nothing happened. The door was either locked, or stuck. If it was locked, she could pick it no problem. She'd already examined the types of locks on the doors in the house, and all of them were simple and easy to break. But when she looked at the lock closer, she realised that the door wasn't actually locked.

" It must be stuck." She thought out loud to herself. She pulled the handle, but it wouldn't budge. She scanned the edges of the door for anything blocking it, but everything seemed fine. Yet no matter how much she fought to open it, it just wouldn't move. But if it wasn't locked, or stuck, why wouldn't it open? She tried the handle one more time, but it definitely wasn't going to open. Looked like she had no choice but to break it down. Her first thought was to use the chair, but it was made of wood, and would no doubt just snap itself when it hit the door. So she stepped back and ran at the door full speed, using her shoulder to absorb most of the impact, but it still sent her backwards. She landed on the floor. The door creaked threateningly, but didn't open. Her shoulder hurt a bit, but not enough for her to give up. Maybe if she stepped further back? She got up and did so, readying herself to try again. This time, just as she was about to collide into the door, it eased open by only a centimetre. It was no longer held in place.

She fell through into the hallway, landing on something on the other side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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