Chapter 2- Case File (Unedited)

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" Are we there yet?"

Lowe had been complaining ever since he found out the PIO ( Paranormal Investgative Office) was in the next town, about an hour's drive from their own little town. Lowe's older brother was driving. As Lowe and Avairy were only 16, he was the only one with a license.

" See that building on the right? That's the PIO. The house is right next to it." Marcus Walters was tall like Lowe. Both had green eyes and blond hair, but Marcus's was kept short and neat.

The car pulled up into the driveway of a large red brick house. It had been agreed that Lowe and Avairy would spend the week with Marcus and his girlfriend. This was because they were so close to the PIO and it ment they didn't have to pay for a train everyday. They had been allowed the week off school. Avairy hadn't had much trouble convincing her parents to let her go. They said yes to anything that meant their daughter would have a better chance in her career. Plus they know Lowe's brother and trust he'll look after her.

They got out of the silver BMW and collected their luggage from the back. Avairy was the only one who had more than one bag. Lowe came to visit his brother often, so he had a collection of clothes already there. He only had a small bag with extra stuff in it. Marcus picked up two of Avairy's bags so she only had to carry one.

Inside, the house was big and well decorated. Cream coloured walls without a speck of dirt on them. A woman came to greet them. She gave Marcus a hug and smiled at Avairy.

" Hello. It's Avairy, right? Such an unusual name! I'm Rebecca."

" Hi." Despite wearing high heels, Rebecca still only came to Marcus's shoulders. She was a cheerful voiced women with bright blue eyes and brown hair that fell in ringlets around her chin. Her bright pink summer dress made her appear younger than she was. Avairy put down her bags and checked her watch.

" Lowe we'd better go. The introductory will be starting soon."

" Yeah. Marcus and Rebecca will set up your room for you." Rebecca nodded and went up the stairs. Marcus picked up the bags and followed her. Avairy and Lowe headed for the PIO.

Lowe glanced around the fancy room. When they had entered, the woman at reception had taken their names and asked why they were here. After Avairy told her, she'd led them into a small room ( the same size as Bosch's office,) and told them to 'stay put'. Lowe had no idea what that meant, but the receptionist looked about 50, so he guessed it was an old saying from her time.

He studied every detail of the room. Not that there was much to study. All there was was a desk with two chairs on one side and two on the other. Avairy and Lowe had chosen to take the seats facing the door so they could see who was coming in.

" Why are we here at 3 PM on a Sunday?"

" So they can give us the details of the case before we start. Weren't you paying attention to Bosch?" Lowe hadn't. That's one of the reasons he was glad he knew Avairy. She always listened to people. He zoned out if the conversation had too many big confusing words involved ( unfortunately all Bosch spoke in were big confusing words).

The door opened. A woman who looked in her 20's strode in and sat down opposite them. She wore her red hair up in a ponytail and had black framed glasses. She was joined by a man about the same age. They all looked at each other. Lowe didn't like silence, so he spoke first.

" Hey. I'm Lowe Walters and this is..."

" Avairy Tyme. I know. Do you really think I'd take two minors on without a background check first?"

In other words, she wanted to make sure we weren't teenage hooligans that people so often assumed them to be. Lowe felt a little mad. He didn't like to be spoked to like he was an idiot who dropped out of school. And he couldn't help but say something despite the look he got from Avairy, mentally pleading him to stay quiet.

" Sorry for trying to have manners."

The woman didn't like this. If looks could kill he'd be chopped, drawn and quartered by now. But the man next to her laughed. He caught her gaze and tried to stop ( unsuccessfully).

" Sorry, Michelle. But that kid's got a quick reaction time!"

" Shut up, Cristian! Well, my name is Michelle Pauly. You will refer to me as Sir." Seeing Lowe's confusion, Avairy whispered to explain.

" 'Sir' referes to the person in charge, whether they're male or female. Women can be refered to as Sir too" Lowe was still uncertain. Michelle sighed.

" OK. How about we get started. Here is what's going to happen. For the duration of this case, you will stay with myself and Investigator McIan here, and follow your orders appropriately. Got it?"

They nodded.

" Good. Now pay attention because here's the details of the case. A few days ago, the PIO received a distress call from a woman. She told us that something was after her. We managed to get an adress and a name, but the line went dead before we could get any more information. When we sent a team to investigate, we got call from them telling us that there was something there. Before they too got cut off, they managed to say one thing. ' The eyes are everywhere'."

Lowe was even more confused now. Avairy went straight to asking questions.

" What does that mean?"

" We don't know. But we have sent in three other teams since then and all have said the same thing before vanishing."

" Have you had any other reports of similar incidents?"

" Yes. Two other calls."

" Did you run a background check on the location?"

Pauly suddenly looked at Avairy.

" A background check? Why on earth would we do that?"

" In case this has happened before. Or maybe if there is a bad spiritual history." Avairy truly had them. Lowe smiled. Sometimes he loved Avairy for being smarter than the professionals. Pauly looked really embarrassed. So did Cristian.

" Ok I'll do a background check for you if you give me the address." Pauly nodded and handed them both a folder. Lowe opened his and found inside several pieces of paper. It was a copy of the case file.

Walking out of the office, Lowe almost walked into the glass door. He was too busy reading his file. Avairy had decided to read hers later. Lowe, however, couldn't wait that long. But after walking into a lamppost outside, he decided he better stop.

" So what do you think of Investgator Pauly?" Avairy had been quiet since they left the small room. He'd almost forgoten what her voice sounded like. He shrugged his shoulders.

" She's...good at her job,"

" Honestly?"

" She's a control freak with no sense of humor and obviously single."

" How do you know she's single?"

" Who'd want to date that?! Pauly needs to learn to loosen up."

" Investgator McIan was OK though,"

" Yeah. Cristian seems cool."

" Why do you call them Pauly and Cristian and not say 'Investgator'?"

" Why do you ask so many questions?"

Avairy smiled. Lowe knew the answer to that. He felt stupid now.

And for some reason, he wasn't looking forward to starting work tomorrow.

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