Chapter 3- Preperations (Unedited)

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Avairy opened her case file. The first paragraphs were all the details that Investigator Pauly had told her already. She skipped the pages until she found what she was looking for. She pulled up the laptop screen and typed into the search bar. Penforth House. Easy address to remember, she thought. She clicked on the first link on the list. A page popped up on her screen. She started reading.

Penforth House:

Penforth House has stood tall since 1987. However it is believed to be cursed

as all past owners have met their fate in it's doors. It has been the home of many paranormal

reports and investigations. All past owners have mysteriously vanished for days, before

being found dead by investigators...

The page went on about the past owners, and their deaths. Avairy skimmed through every one to see if there was a pattern. It took her half an hour to read the full page, and about ten minutes to do a double take to make sure she was right. And she was. She had spotted the pattern at the fourth owner, but she still read all 9 to make sure. But she had defiantly found what all the deaths had in common. She had to phone and tell Pauly,( she had started calling them Pauly and Cristian thanks to Lowe) her findings.

She had picked up the phone and was about to dial, when the glowing numbers on her digital alarm clock caught her eyes. 12:20. It was late. She'd have to wait until she saw everyone tomorrow. Also she had to be at the PIO at 7 sharp, so she should get some sleep.

Avairy switched off the laptop, and lay down. Usually she had no problem sleeping, but for some reason this time it took her a while before she did.

Michelle Pauly was still awake. She checked her clock again for the eighth time. 12:20. Why couldn't she sleep? It was because of those kids. The mouthy one who had embarrassed her in front of Cristian, and the know-it- all who hade put the entire PIO to shame. They made her glad she didn't have, or want, kids herself.

She jumped when the phone went. She checked the time again. 12:22. She ran over and picked it up.

" Hello?"

" Hey, Michelle. It's Cristian."

" Cristian? What are you doing calling me this late?" She forced herself to sound angry, when deep down she was just glad she could talk to someone.

" I hoped you were sleeping so I could just leave a message."

" Very funny. Why did you really call?"

" I can't sleep."

" Me neither. What's your reason?"

" Those kids. I feel really bad about it."

" About it? What is there to feel bad about? Oh... You feel guilty, don't you?!"

" Yeah, I do."

" Well don't! We've had this planned for weeks before now! How can you just feel guilty now?!"

" Don't shout at me! I feel guilty now because I've met them now. Those kids have their entire life ahead of them. And we're gonna be responsible for all that ending. How can you not feel guilty?"

" Because..."

" No, Michelle! I'll tell you why. It's because your cold and your heartless, just like Maria was!"

Michelle couldn't speak. Nobody had ever spoken to her like that. Cristian never yelled at anybody. Especially not her. And he even brought 'Her' up. There was what felt like ages of silence between them. Michelle checked her clock. 12:27. Suddenly, an apologetic voice spoke on the other line.

The All Seeing Eyes (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن