Chapter 6- Eyes (Unedited)

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Penforth house showed it's age. It was a mansion that looked too old to be still standing. But it's most noticible feature was the large circular window at the top of the house. It was boarded up with wooden planks.

Avairy hated silence. She always had. She especially hated it when Lowe was silent. He was such a lively person, silence was unnatural for him. But he was silent now. They all were. After the last interview, Lowe had been exited to have found some information from Rich. But he'd ended up in an argument with Pauly and Dr. Adams who told him that the information was in fact useless to them. Avairy had kept out of it, but had to admit that a boarded up window wasn't very useful at all. Lowe had been quiet since they left.

As soon as the car stopped, Lowe jumped out. Avairy got out, but he was already too far away down the street. Pauly got out too, followed by Cristian, and shouted after him. She then marched off in the other direction. Avairy met Cristian's eyes.

" Go talk to Lowe, I'll calm down Michelle."

Avairy nodded and they split to the opposite direction, Avairy heading to her right after Lowe. He had stopped. She caught up to him.

" Lowe? Are you OK?" it was the wrong thing to ask. He got angry again.

" What is her problem? You're with me right Avairy?"

" Well I..."

" You're on her side too!" he started to walk. She grabbed his arm, and was surprised when he stopped without trying to push her off. He could have easily pulled away with little effort. Instead he spun back around to look at her. She took a deep breath.

" Lowe, why do you always have to pick up something to moan about? Can't you just deal with it? You're not just ruining it for yourself, but I get affected too!" he was quiet. Then he sighed.

" I'm sorry Avairy. I never thought about how this looks for you. I'm so stupid." she hugged him. She caught him off guard and he nearly fell over. Once he regained his balance, he hugged her back.

" You're not stupid. Just opinionated."

Cristian stood next to Pauly. They were leaning against a tall building. The post office. Cristian saw Avairy and Lowe hug. He smiled to himself.

" Hey, Michelle. Remember when we used to be that close?" He looked over at her. She was staring at the ground. He sighed.

" Obviously not..." Nothing. She didn't even smile. Cristian could feel himself get a little annoyed.

" What happened to you?" now she looked at him, shocked.

" Huh?"

" You used to be so lighthearted. Look at them. When you used to see me sad, you would hug me too. Now you just focus on work."

" I happen to find work important. And we're still friends aren't we?"

" See, you're completely missing the point."

" What point?"

" Nevermind, here they come. Be nice." He left her and headed back to the house. She followed him, but never spoke. Avairy and Lowe were laughing. They met at the pathway up to Penforth House. Michelle and Lowe looked at each other and, as though nothing had happened, Michelle spoke.

" Ready to go in?" Lowe nodded. He tried to act normal, but Cristian could see the anger in his eyes. It was the same anger he had felt five years ago. The kind where you just want the person your angry at to disappear. Michelle never saw it. Completely oblivious to Lowe's real feelings, she led the way to the front door of the house. Yellow police tape crossed the closed door. Cristian opened the door and ducked under the tape. Michelle followed him. He turned around to see Lowe ducking under the tape. But Avairy seemed to be focused on something else. She was looking up, most likely at the roof of the house. Cristian stepped past Michelle and Lowe and reached out to Avairy.

" Avairy? Are you OK?" His hand touched her shoulder and he felt her jump, her head snapping down to look at him. She looked fine, apart from a slight hint of fear glazed through her intelegent blue eyes. Her voice quivered slightly as she spoke.

" Cristian... I saw a person in the attic window."

Lowe heard what Avairy said. He watched Cristian freeze, unable to move due to shock. He, however, made the quick step to the staircase and started running up. He could hear Pauly shout his name, then the sound of her heeled boots struggling to catch up with the speed he was taking the steps. By the time he had reached the first floor landing, she sounded as though she was only half way up the first staircase. Lowe kept going up the second set. He took them two at a time, practically flying up them. At the second floor landing he turned left...and ran face first into a door. He cried out in pain and covered his nose. Pauly's footsteps got faster and louder and soon she was standing next to him. She saw him with his hands cupped around his nose.

" Are you OK? What happened?"

" I walked into the door!" his voice came out nasely because he was holding his nose. Pauly grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from his face.

" That was stupid, wasn't it? Hmm... Well your not bleeding and it's not broken. Looks like you just bruised it." She dropped his wrists.

" You shouldn't have run off like that. Your lucky you ran into the door, and not what killed our agents." he remembered the person in the attic. Pauly was blocking his access to the door. He still managed to slip past her easily though, and despite her protests, swung open the door to the attic. He looked around. There was an old dusty wardrobe, a set of drawers. And a bed. Lowe and Pauly both stared at the strange 'bedroom' and Lowe stepped forward, letting Pauly slip beside him. Lowe could hear two sets of footsteps making their way up the stairs. Then Lowe spotted something.

At the bottom of the wardrobe, sticking out the edge of the closed doors, was a piece of denim fabric. He walked over and bent down to look at it closer. It seemed to be attached to something inside. He stood back up and wrapped his hand around the handle. He did the same on the other handle with his other hand.

He swung open the doors.

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