Chapter 8- Eye Spy (Unedited)

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Avairy and Pauly prepared to open another door. Avairy held the doorknob, while Pauly positioned herself so as to strike, if there was anything inside, with a baseball bat she had picked up from the first room they had checked. Avairy pulled the door back and waited. Pauly stood for a second, then lowered the bat. She laughed slightly.

" Coat closet."

Avairy looked in the doorway and saw what was definatly a closet. The small square room was filled with old coats, all of them were caked in dust like the rest of the furniture in the house. Avairy laughed too. She shut the door again and looked down at the final door they had to check. It was at the end of the hallway, almost blending in with the brown walls. Pauly was already set to strike, so Avairy grasped the doorknob and went to open it. But something made her hesitate. She was suddenly filled with fear, causing her to grasp the knob tighter. She didn't know why, but she knew that there was something bad behind this door.

" Avairy? Are you ok?" Pauly's voice wiped the feeling away from her. Whatever trance she had been in, dissapeared as suddenly as it came.

" Yeah. Fine. Here we go." and she swung the door open. Pauly dropped the bat with a thud. Her eyes widened. Avairy was hesitant to look around the door, but she did. And she gasped.

At least 9 computer screens lined the back wall of the small bedrooom. A keyboard sat on a plain metal desk under the screens and a padded office chair was pushed in under the table. On her left, a single white bed was up against the wall and an old patterned armchair against the right wall. The room seemed to withold a depressing atmosphere, just standing at the doorway made Avairy feel sad. She followed Pauly to the keyboard on the desk and watched her sit down in the black office chair. While Pauly tapped away at the keys, Avairy felt a shiver run up her spine. She rubbed her arms.

" I don't like this."

" Me niether. I think I've almost hacked into this computer system. Maybe there'll be something that can tell us what's going on."

" You can hack computers? I don't remember that being part of the Academy course."

" It's not. But it's a handy skill that I learned years ago. I'm in!" All at once, the nine screens flashed blue. After a moment, images started appearing on the screen. Each was a room. Avairy spotted two angles from the attic, one looking at the front door, one of each floor hallway, and five different bedrooms. Then she saw an image of a strange corridor. It's walls were lined with pairs of eyes on the pink wallpaper. Avairy managed to keep from gagging. The eyes seemed to be watching something in the distance. She strained her eyes to see. She managed to make out the shadows of Lowe, Lil and Cristian before they dissappeared behind a door at the end of the eye hallway.

" Pauly! Lowe, Lil and Cristian just went through that door..."

" I know, I saw them. Hang on, I'll see if I can find them again. This note has a list of rooms and the codes for the cameras in each of them." That was when Avairy remembered something.

" The constant feeling you're being watched..."

Lowe, Cristian and Lil stood frozen to the ground. They had finally reached the end of the eye hallway and had followed through the door at the end. The first thing Cristian had done when he entered through the door, was try and warm up his hand. The metal doorknob had felt like ice when he had opened it. But he had stopped with Lowe and Lil when he looked at the room they were in now.

It was a dead end.

" Well that was anti-climatic." Lil said, sounding slightly disappointed. Lowe nodded in agreement with her. The area behing the door was'nt big enough to be called a room. The square shape was only around two and a half meters long on each side. Shrugging, the three turned around, preparing to face the eyes again. But when they did, they faced yet another strange scene.

The eyes were gone. The pink walls were now just plain wooden panels. Lil instantly touched the wall, remarking with a simple 'It's cold'. Cristian pointed his torch ahead of them, it's light cutting through the fog of darkness to show an ordanairy hallway. It didn't make sense at all.

While they walked, Cristian felt sick. Not because of what had happened, but because of what he knew was about to happen. He could only pray that Pauly had listened to him when he had spoke to her on the phone last night, but he highly doubted it. He glanced at Lowe in the corner of his eye and began thinking of things he could say to him. This wasn't going to go well, and Pauly was going to get the full blast.

Slowly, they made their way back to the main hallway.



I finally got the plot worked out again! Turned out my original plan was COVERED with plot holes. Sorry, and I'm glad to get this story back on again. Next updated should be in a couple weeks or so. Thank you for your patience!

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