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Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme song to 'Mission: Impossible'

• Ask old people what they want to be when they grow up. (10 points if they say 'an angel' 😉)

• Walk along a line of people and say, "Hello!" To every one of them

Put up a 'lost dog' poster with a picture of a cat on it

• Smear chocolate all over your hand in a public restroom and walk out. If someone asks, say, "There wasn't any toilet paper."

• Fake an accent for the entire day

• Order fries at a fast food place and ask for a side of fries

• Go to a horror movie. When everyone is quiet, scream as loud as you can and see who jumps

• Go to a drive thru and ask, "May I take your order?"

• Act like a cat for the whole day. Meow and hiss at people who walk by

• Bring toy cars to a car wash and ask how much it'll cost

• Go into a gift shop and ask for your gift

• Be the slave of your best friend for the whole day

• Don't look in the mirror for 24 hours straight

• Don't look at the clock for 12 hours

• Eat alphabet soup in alphabetical order

• When you get called by a stranger, pick up and say, "The job is done. But there's blood everywhere."

• Carry a blanket wherever you go and hold onto it protectively

• Carry a bottle of mustard everywhere you go. When someone asks you why you have it, drop the bottle and run

60. In a public restroom, slip a note under the door next to you saying, "They're onto us. We need to go."

1,000 Things to do When You're BoredTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang