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She sits at an empty table near the back, wanting to hide away from prying eyes. The beakers and test tubes littered the table and the girl sits quietly, reading a science book as students pair up as the teacher enters.

"Let's get started! Is everyone paired?" he calls, and everyone nods but her. She was about to do everything herself when a boy with raven hair tapped her shoulder. "What?" she never looked up from her book as she asked.

The boy didn't answer, just placed his bag on the stool beside hers, asking wordlessly if he could sit with her. The girl shrugs in reply and the boy nods, sitting beside her with his books. "Soryu Oh." he says quietly as the teacher begins the lesson.

"Sakura Sumiko." she responds, scribbling down notes from the board before getting all the chemicals from different cupboards as the teacher orders. "Watch that one for me, will you?" she asks, gesturing to a beaker, the chemical liquid inside bubbling with boiling heat.

They quietly worked together throughout the lesson, only glancing at each other to gesture to different things to hand over. "Good working with you." after they had handed in their work, Sakura had held out her hand to shake before leaving with a small grin.

Soryu shakes his head at the girl before heading out. It was lunch and students crowded the halls, swarming as they all rushed to the cafeteria. He arrived at the library, opening the oak doors leading into the book filled room. A small fire was crackling in a fireplace and it was quiet, empty and void of students.

Not like anyone came here anyway.

The raven haired student walked down aisles of bookshelves, gathering different books to read for the next lunch hour. He made his way to the fireplace surrounded by armchairs and a couch. He was about to seat himself, looking to read alone.

But he could hear the faint meowing of a kitten and he approached the sound, only to find Sakura sitting cross-legged with an orange kitten on her lap as the girl read away on her laptop. "Oh, Sumiko." Soryu nods a greeting towards his class mate, who nods back calmly.

As much as he wanted to read, the boy kept stealing glances at the girl who seemed so... different from earlier. She was wearing glasses, her ponytail down, cascading down to her shoulders, her over sized grey sweater covering her tiny hands.

"Wanna know what I'm reading?" she chuckles, peering up at him through her glasses. "W-What?" the boy became flustered when she hopped onto the couch with him, crossing her legs as she placed her laptop on her lap, placing the small kitten beside her.

"Why is there a kitten here?" he asks, staring at the reading girl strangely. "It's the librarian's. She brings it with her and I come here to watch Mittens when she goes for lunch. And I get to read, too." she answers, scrolling through pages.

"What're you reading?" "Detective novels." "That's what I'm reading..." the boy held up a few detective novels on a table beside him. "Well, think I can join you?"


It's been a full on hour, and the reading pair hadn't noticed the bell ringing until the door to the library opened, to reveal a handsome brunette, smirking. Sakura recognized the young teen as one of the most popular people here, Soryu's best friend if she remembers correctly. Eisuke Ichinomiya.

"Soryu, the bell rang 5 minutes ago, you're going to be late. Did I interrupt your date?"

"Don't worry about it, it's not a date," Sakura replied coolly, gathering her laptop, bag and books as she stood, "Well thanks for studying with me, Oh. I'll see you around."

The girl left with a small, cheeky grin and Eisuke only smirked at his friend, who glared menacingly at him as they left the room.

But whenever anyone would ask him about Sakura, despite him putting it off every time, he still found himself reading with her at the library or working with her every chance he had. Just like today.

"Good working with you again, Soryu. It's been fun." the girl smiled fully at him before patting his back as she swiftly left, leaving the boy to stare after her.

It's been a fun year. And the year was coming to nothing but a close, and Soryu wouldn't admit it, but he would really miss the only friend he'd made here, despite Eisuke. 

He couldn't help but think if they would meet again one day.


Graduation Day...

"Our two valedictorians, can you please step up?" with dignified smiles, Soryu and Sakura step on stage, taking their diplomas with a bow to the principal and the crowd. The ceremony went on forever, and after the ceremony, all students hurried outside.

Girls were crying in each other's arms. Boys were all laughing together, talking loudly. Meanwhile, Sakura called for Soryu, hoping to speak to him.

She had pulled him all the way near the gates, wanting to speak in a peaceful spot. "Can... Can I ask you something?"

'Jesus, Saku, talk to him! You've been rehearsing this!'

"What'd you need?" "I..." her cheeks turn a light pink as she looks up at him. "I was wondering if I could have the second button of your jacket..." she mumbles, but her friend heard it clearly. "I already gave it away, sorry, Sakura..." he mutters, but hands her a button anyway.

"It's my 4th one... Are you okay with this?" "I... thanks, anyway." she smiles and wraps her hand in a fist around the button on Soryu's palm. "I have it! I have Soryu's second button, and he gave it to me!"

A girl nearby with bleach blonde hair shrieks, showing it off to her friends, who squeal happily for their friend. 'So she's the one who got it, huh...?'

Sakura couldn't help but feel depressed over the fact she didn't get the said thing, but doesn't giving the girl the second button mean you like her back...?

"Sakura? Sumiko! Why are you crying?" Soryu's worried voice snapped her out of her reverie and she shakes her head in denial. "Nothing. I'm fine... But listen, I need to go. Thanks for everything, Soryu." she left without another word before Soryu could call for her.

She trudged to her locker, opening it and only to have an enveloped letter flutter out of the small box. She was too depressed to read it as she only proceeded to stuff it into her bag. She was about to close it when.

"Oh what the... Are you kidding me?" in the locker, tons of notes and letters, even flowers and sweets were piled inside. "Man... I stayed away from those freaks as much as possible." she grumbles but nonetheless stuffed the papers and presents inside, not bothering to look who it's from.

As she left the school, students were still in the yard, chatting happily. And the same blonde from earlier was clinging to Soryu, who didn't seem to bothered by the attention.

She walked away with tears in her eyes.

She was supposed to confess to him. She was supposed to be with him. And here she is, walking alone. 

She strolls through the streets with heavy steps as the same thought kept echoing in her mind.

"He's got someone else. Move on."

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