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"Hold on!" the chief suddenly enters the execution room, just as the trigger was about to be pulled on Sakura, who had her eyes tightly closed. "Before we do anything, there's business to be taken care of outside. Cuff her up and just sit her there. This'll be quick."

Sakura's eyes fly open in surprise as she felt the familiar cold metal around her wrists. "Don't move." the chief orders as he and the executioner exits the room. The room was quiet, but when Hiro accidentally hits Takuto...

"Watch it, Hippo!" he whispers, but in the dead silent room, it might as well have been said out loud. Eisuke and Soryu, who were watching Sakura, sees a smirk appear on her face. 

"Nice to see you guys." she suddenly says out loud, looking towards where they stood. She pushes herself on her feet, stumbling a few times because of the handcuffs. "What are you doing here?"

She walks to them, hands still cuffed behind her back. "We're here to save you, of course." Eisuke replies cockily. "I told you- Wait... How did you know my execution was today? Hiro...?"

She turned towards him with a look and the ginger shakes his head furiously. "I promise! I didn't say anything! It was Ed and Sam and Aiko!"

"He's telling the truth, don't worry, Sakura." Angel steps up, smiling as she patted the ginger's head. "Okay... But still, all of you need to get out of here before you get arrested for trespassing."

"I'm a thief, pretty lady, and so are the Black Foxes. This isn't the first time we've trespassed." Baba chuckles, walking behind her. "Now we need to make this quick. Hold on."

"Hey what are you-?!" Mica clamps her mouth and holds her finger up to her lips with her other hand. "Shh... We're going to get you out of here. We'll knock you out even if that's the only thing that makes you quiet." she grins.

"What?!" "Shh!" the girls all hiss, making Sakura clamp her mouth and nod. "Okay, okay... I'll be quiet."

"Good. Baba, how's the cuffs?" Samantha says, looking behind Sakura to see the thief still fiddling with them.

"This is harder than thought. The materials I have now aren't going to be enough." he replies, standing.

"Then we'll just take her back and get the cuffs off." Ota says with a grin. "Soryu, grab her and let's get out of here! I can hear them coming down the hall."

With slightly pink cheeks, the mobster gets down before her. "Sorry." he apologizes quickly before picking her up in a princess carry. "Let's go."


"Well, that actually feels refreshing." Sakura breathes once Baba had gotten the cuffs off, making the bidders and Foxes smile.

"So why didn't you struggle when we took you away, anyway?" Cecilia asks, looking at her strangely. 

"'Cause I still would've been dragged out anyway, considering Mica said you guys would knock me out."

"Not my fault," the girl shrugs as she lays her head on Hiro's lap. "I wasn't the one who suggested it."

"Wait what?" "It was Samantha, she was actually walking around saying 'if she won't come, we'll just put her to sleep or something and take her with us!'." Angel interfered, smirking at their friend, who laughs awkwardly and hides behind Takuto, avoiding the stares.

"Well, whatever. I guess we're good now. But how am I supposed to escape? They know where I'd go in the first place. Here in Tres Spades."

"Well the whole group won't be staying here anymore for sure," Eisuke mutters, then smirks and looks at the bidders.

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