The storm

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15 Minutes later.
(Ezra's Point of veiw)

Kanan walked down the ramp and sat near me. Storms still rumbling, signifying that the storm is coming in the direction of the ghost. Kanan spoke to Ezra "It may seem tough to choose, but the jedi aren't supposed to have relationships." He said to me. I began to get up and walk away. I was up the ramp when Kanan yelled "EZRA!" He yelled. I turned around to look at him with a somewhat look of anger on my face. "I'm sorry to pressure you Ezra" he said. I turned around and ran inside the ghost. While Kanan followed slowly behind. I felt some rumbling on the landed ghost, along with the sound of the ramp closing. We are either lifting off or the storm is closer then we think. It must have been a big storm because within minutes the ghost's lighting was flickering on and off.

I walked into the codpit to see sabine sitting at the pilots seat. "Someday I'd like to fly a ship like this one" She said. "Look, sabine I -" I began. "Just don't." She said to me. She then burried her face in her knees. I couldn't tell if she was mad or sad. I would guess sad because of the emotion in her voice. I could see a tear roll down her face. "Look i understand if you don't choose me... however your going to choose." Sabine said in an emotional tone. "Just please tell me." She continued. "Sabine I'm sorry for everything over the past few days. I guess i got caught up in the moment. I'm really sorry." I said to her, trying not to break out in tears. She turned around to look at me. she walked over and hugged me. She looked in my eyes as the power went out because of the storm.

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