The Assult

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Ezra's Point of veiw

As we leaned in to kiss, I felt a vibration as if somthing was attacking us. All of a sudden Hera's voice Came over the loudspeaker. "Sabine we need you in the nose gun, local patrol TIES are attacking." She said. Then, Kanan came in. In a questioning voice he asked "What are you two doing in here?". Uhhh.. nothing said sabine as she waddling out of the room. "I'll just... go too.". Once out of the room I thought to myself "So close! Why did those stupid TIES Have to come now?". I felt like smashing somthing, but I decided not to. "I'll just go back to bed." I thought to myself. "They won't need me anyway" I thought as I opened the door to my room. Seeing that zeb or his snoring Wasn't in the room. "Sleep solves lots of things" I thought. Once I got into bed I quickly passed out.

Once asleep, I wanted to Imagine How the kiss COULD have gone. Insted, i saw meeting another girl with blonde hair who is slightly shorter then me. I woke up the next day, thinking " That was just a crazy dream."

Sorry for not updating for a Little while, but I was focused on other things.I plan to update a lot more from now on. Please tell me how you think i did. Please leave a Favorite and some feed back. I'd Also like to point out that I don't own star wars rebels, Disney does.

Next update tommorow
Bye guys.

Sparks fly (Ezra and sabine fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ