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// SEVEN //

I keep replaying our way back home in my head.

Awkward. Awkward is the only word for it. We had a fight in front Steven's mansion and cleared it out, but there are still issues left unresolved. He told me there was still a hell of a lot I didn't know, but didn't say anything else afterwards. Nor did he speak or give me an ambiance that welcomed my questions.

Thus, we silently spent the bus ride home, side by side, without saying a word. He looked at me get off my seat, he said good-bye (he found a friend who was able to take him in, but he lives a few blocks away) and again, stared at me get off the bus.

"What are you doing staring out the window like that?" Cass walks in the room. "Listen, it's 12 AM, we are both unable of sleep and you need a drink. Let's get out of here."

Normally, I would object, because I don't like drinking at night. But accompanying Cass to a bar and watching her drink doesn't force me to.

"Fine, let me get dressed."

She squeals and jumps up and down. She runs to her bedside and grabs her bag and starts applying makeup. I can't help, but smile.

Every second I spend thinking isn't really at my advantage. I think tonight will be good for me. I grab a decent top from the wardrobe and slip it on. I put my black Vans and grab my bag, before I push Cass out the door.

We stay silent while walking through the hall. Once we make it outside though, Cass goes crazy and runs to the street where she hails a cab with impressive ease.

It's my turn to run because I don't want to keep the driver waiting. Cass gives him the address of a pub once I slide in.

I stare at the street lights during the drive. I focus and unfocus so I can sometimes pay attention to their backgrounds.

It doesn't take more than 10 minutes to get there and Cass takes care of the money. She starts pushing me out. I stop and turn, to try and convince her to split it, but she practically throws me on the pavement. She has no tolerance, man. None at all.

"Okay, okay," I say raising my hands in submission to Lord Cassalot. "Let's just get in."

We up the stairs and I unconsciously stop at the door, staring inside. The place is small and cozy. It has a little patio area, on my right, with a gazebo covering it with christmas type lights going around it. There's some hispanic music playing and I start swaying to the beat. I think it's a restaurant and bar though, because the plates I see being served are very big. I'm surprised by the amount of food people eat at this hour. And by the amount of people, families too, being here at this hour.

Cass grabs my hand and we walk inside. We take a seat at a table on the patio. I try to convince Cass that I don't want to drink, but she keeps babbling about how it'll be okay and that it won't do any harm. We finally decide on maximum of one beer that I can drink anytime I want before I leave.

We wait for a waiter. Once he comes, Cass orders a cocktail for herself and a beer for me. So much for ordering whenever I want.

I look around. There are younger people seated at the bar. I'm still not used to the fact that the legal drinking age in Switzerland is 16. What's cool though is that to encourage the teen nighttime drinking ban, every bar and restaurant has to have the option of having to offer three soft drinks at the price of their least expensive alcoholic drink. At that age, money is not something you necessarily get by easily so usually they go for the 3 nonalcoholic drinks. And voilà, they don't drink alcohol!

"Tell me," Cass starts, already getting a bit tipsy on her second drink. "What the hell happened with Darius today?"

I contemplate telling her, but she does need to know what happened.

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