Chapter I

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"There you go, Sir" I passed him the drink, Carlsberg I think it was. Im sure I recognised his big blue eyes from somewhere, I just couldn't put my finger on it. He looked pretty drunk to be honest. Id only just started working as a barmaid in The Red Lion, it had only been a week. The name was confusing as there was another pub right across from it called The White Lion. Unfortunately, The White Lion was known as the better pub, people called it 'The right lion'. It had a beautiful Beer Garden and most people come out sober. Sadly, my pub was filled with drunks, a rowdy scene and hardly anyone ever left sober. But this was the only part-time job I could get thats not to difficult for a young lady like me. And I didn't mind working there either, it was easy to deal with drunks.

"Alright lovely, you're gorgeous" He smiled up at me. He was slurring a bit and his eyes seemed loose (If you can understand that) and I was positive he was drunk. I simply ignored him and I didn't even think it as a compliment, he didn't mean it, he wouldn't even remember saying it. "D'you wanna go out with me?" He smiled once more as his eyes met mine. I must admit, he had a cute smile and If he was sober I probably would have said yes. "Sorry, I don't think you should be asking me that until your sober" I said while getting a glass out for the next customer. "Aww, give me a smile, gorgeous girl" he practically shouted, everything he said seemed to be particularly loud. I just ignored him though, even though I fancied him just a little bit.


"Hey Cadence!" Julian said as he opened the door. "Bit early isn't it?" He added looking at his watch. "Its seven in the morning!" He finished. "I know but I haven't seen you in so long, I thought Id come and see you as soon as possible" I explained as he welcomed me into his house. It was familiar of course, Id known Julian for years but this is the only place wed ever meet up. "So how's the new job at The Red Lion?" He said, turning on the kettle. "Well, Ive just finished my second week there but its seems okay, even though the drunks do get on my nerves. In fact, just last week someone tried to chat me up" I sat down at the kitchen table as I told him. "Oh just ignore them, you deserve better than them." He took two mugs and made us each a cup of tea, then joined me at the kitchen table. "Well, I gotta admit, he was rather cute" I blushed a little but Julian was one of my best friends and I felt comfortable telling him these kind of things. "Ahhh, Cadence's got herself a crush, I see?" He said in a jokey way. "Shut up" I laughed, taking a sip of my tea. "Oh and my friend is coming round, he'll be arriving soon." He seemed to have only just remembered. "He works with me at my gigs, he's really funny actually." He drank some more tea before continuing. "...And single" he looked at me. "Oh I get it, you're trying to hook me up with this funny man, huh?" I laughed. "Well, its up to you but he'll probably love you instantly anyway" He smiled. "Id imagine hed fall for you immediately, like love at first sight. I think you'd like him too, he's very sweet." He went on.

About half an hour later, the doorbell rang, Julian looked at me before getting up to answer it. We were still at the table, finishing our drinks and engaging in random conversation. I heard Julian open the door and greet his friend. "Hey Noel, you're here at last!" The other man, Noel, laughed. It sounded strangely familiar. I heard footsteps through the corridor, back toward the kitchen, Julian led Noel in. When they both came into view, I realised why Noel seemed so familiar. Not only his voice but the big, blue eyes that I took a liking to. I recognised his cute smile and built-up hair. I also recognised how he tried to chat me up in the bar about a week ago. "Oh and Noel this is the lovely Cadence, shes one of my close friends, I think she may be your perfect match" Julian smiled, a little jokingly but just a little seriously. Noel had confusion written all over his face. "Hang on" Noel lifted a hand and pointed at me. "Have we met before?" I looked at him...I still thought he was cute. "It'll come to you" I nodded. It took a second or two to remember but when he did, I could see it clearly. He clasped his hands to his mouth as he breathed "...Oh my god..." I couldn't help smile a little at his reaction. "There it is" I almost whispered through smiling lips. "Sorry, whats going on here?" Julian joined me in smiling at the situation. "W-Well..." Noel removed his hands and let them hang at his sides. His cheeks were lightly flushed though he was still smiling but he was still embarrassed, I could tell as he was looking down at the floor and touching his hair. "I-I kinda got pissed in The Red Lion and I tried to chat her up..." He then looked up again, his eyes landed on mine and then they went to Julian, still smiling. "Ahhh..." Julian grinned. "I knew you'd like Cadence, you swooned over her did you?" He nudged Noel a little. Noel's eyes were back on the floor and hands in his pockets. 'He's so adorable when he's embarrassed' I thought and smiled to myself. "Awww, How old are you?" He looked up when I spoke. "19?" I cocked my head a little. He blushed and laughed a little. "Im 26" His eyes finally met mine. To be honest, I was quite shocked he was 7 years older than he appeared. I thought he was younger than me but clearly not. "But I bet you're 19" he grinned, in a bit of a flirty way. I know it sounds pathetic but I blushed at his comment and might have giggled a little. "24" I replied softly. "Come on" Julian stepped in. "Lets move this into the living room" I was quite glad he said that. It felt weird, sitting down and having Noel look down at me. As I stood up, I realised that Noel was not that much taller than me, I was quite tall 'for a girl'. He looked at me before walking out of my view and supposedly into the living room. Julian stopped me before I followed him and he whispered to me "I think he loves you, Cadence" I could hear the smile through his voice. I managed to disguise my smile as I continued down the hall.

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