Chapter IV

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My eyes fluttered open. I tried to make out the shapes in my vision, as my eyes readjusted. I was still in Noel's house, on the sofa...I fell asleep on him! I felt my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment. Noel had turned on the TV. I couldn't tell what was on, I couldn't see the TV from where I was laying but I heard american accents and a crowd laughing, it was probably a 90's sit-com but it was impossible to tell which one. Noel hadn't seemed to notice that I had woken up until he glanced down and saw my open eyes, gazing up into his blue ones.

"Hello" he smiled. That smile seemed so familiar, so cute and beautiful, so Noel. To be honest, I couldn't believe that was only the third time Id met him, I felt like I'd known him forever and I was pretty sure he felt the same way. "Hello" I chimed back, smiling with him. There was a moment of looking into each other's eyes before he reached his hand toward me and moved a strand of my hair out of my face. He left his hand at the side of my face, cupping my cheek and used the other hand (that was holding the remote) turned the TV off. Then he turned back to me and he placed his other hand on the opposite side of my face. I felt him leaning in toward me but I didn't stop it. Obviously, I predicted what happened next but I still felt the element of surprise. I followed his lead, and leaned in a little too. He was less than an inch away from my lips when I realised that we couldn't do this. It was wrong. It was so wrong. And the worst thing was, I didn't do anything to stop it. Before I could even try to stop it, our lips had met. I closed my eyes as the kiss carried on for just a few more seconds. My instincts kicked in all of a sudden and I pulled away, then he followed my lead and pulled away too. I breathed out when we were apart. I was glad that I stopped it before it got too out of hand but it felt so good. It was so wrong and I knew it but something told me it was right. "You know we can't do this, right?" I looked at him with wide eyes. His hands left my face and he sighed "I know" He then pulled me in for a cuddle and a hug. We both knew it was too soon, way too soon...and plus, I don't even want to know what Julian would think of this!

I left later that night, after hours of chatting and laughing, Noel even made me some pasta too. Noel watched as I put my heels back on to go back home, as we both stood at the door. "I had a really great time tonight" I told him. "I did too" He flashed me his gorgeous smile. He then put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer and kissed me. It was quick but it had to be, since we thought it'd probably be the last time we would ever kiss. When we'd let go, I reached for the door handle behind me and pulled it. A gust of wind and snowflakes then blew past me and Noel inside the house. He quickly used all his weight to push the door shut and keep the warmth inside the house. "No way are you going out there" He said. "Noel, I'll be fine!" I assured him. "No way! You've not even got a jacket! Its freezing out there, Its like the arctic tundra out there!" He went on, he was not letting me go out there. Like our previous disagreement, I knew there was no point in even attempting to argue with him. "What else can I do?" I sighed. Noel just smiled, he seemed to have a solution for every one of my problems. "Here" I don't know what I was thinking when I just gave in and said "Okay"

"Sorry I have to go to bed now, Im so tired, Where can I sleep?" I said after about half an hour of talking. "Yeah Im going to bed too..." He murmured and we both stood up and made our way to the staircase. "...a-and its okay if we sleep in the same bed, i-it doesn't mean anything right?" He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes. "Y-yeah...o-of course...of course! Of course it is! Of course it is!" I smiled. I managed to convince myself that it was okay, that it didn't mean anything. I mean, it wasn't like he was trying to get me into his bed. It was just that there was no where else to sleep but he was just trying to be a nice person.

So we both made our way upstairs and eventually both got into bed. We lay there in the dark for about half an hour, we couldn't see a thing but I could feel Noel's breath against my body. "Cadence?" His whisper seemed loud in the silence. "Yeah" I replied back. "Are you awake?" "...You do know that it was me who just spoke to you?" He laughed lightly at my reply before he continued. "Don't you think its weird?" At first, I didn't understand what he meant until he continued. "What's weird?" I whispered back. "Well, London's a big place. Not even London, the whole world is enormous! There are over six billion people on the surface of the Earth. And most of them, I'll never meet. But out of all those people, those six billion, I met you three times." I thought about it for a second. I guess he was right. Perhaps it was a little weird. "Maybe its just a coincidence" I shrugged. "Maybe" he said but he didn't sound convinced. I turned around in the bed and found I was facing Noel. I couldn't see but I could feel his breath on my own face. He then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. My head was resting on his chest and I could even hear his heartbeat now. It only took half an hour for me too fall asleep after that. 'God, what would Julian say...' Were my last thoughts before I drifted off into a dream.

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