Chapter II

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Id been sitting in the cafe for about twenty minuets, just watching the people pass by and the snowflakes settle on the ground. I was sat at a small table, right next to the windows. They were massive windows, almost took up the whole wall, so I could see everything going on outside. I didn't want to leave the warm, cosy Starbucks. Mostly because I had dressed very inappropriately. It wasn't snowing when I came in, it wasn't even cold so I wore one of my favourite dresses I bought on holiday. It was strapless, had blue and white striped on the top half and the bottom was all navy blue with some buttons sewn on down the front of the dress. I got a lot of compliments when I wore it, it was sexy and classy. I wore some white platform heels with it, I know it seemed stupid but Im a little obsessed with heeled boots. My makeup was same as usual, brown eyeshadow and just a little eyeliner as well as mascara, perhaps some lipgloss. And my hair was in its normal style, a darkish blonde colour with a 90's cut ('The Rachel' to be exact), I liked if because it was quite fun and cute. People have always said I was beautiful but I still didn't believe it. Id also never had a relationship that lasted any longer than a month, I didn't think Id ever find 'the one', It always seemed like such hard work to keep the relationship going.

"Cadence?" I frantically looked around to see who's voice it was. It turned out that Noel had sat himself opposite me at the coffee table. Noel, Julian's friend. Noel, who I hadn't seen for two months. Noel, who Id only met twice, once when he was drunk and twice when Julian was trying to hook us up. Noel, the Noel I fancied. "Noel, hey!" I turned away from the window and looked into his amazing blue eyes. "Whatchya been been doin'?" He took his jacket off, it was a black leather, he hung it on the back on his chair. "Just thinking about things..." I trailed off. "Hope your not thinking about sad things" He rested his elbows on the table and stretched his hands out to me. "Its nearly Christmas, my little Snowflake" He clutched both of my hands but it didn't feel uncomfortable at all, in a weird way it felt okay. I smiled at his nickname for me but I let go of his grip because it would look strange if we did it for too long. "I don't do anything for Christmas" I explained. "I live on my own and my family are too far away" Noel seemed moved by this, and maybe just a little upset. Just the thought of spending Christmas alone was scandalous to him, though it was completely normal for me. I hadn't had a proper Christmas since I was a kid. "Oh my god..." He took my hands again, he seemed very shocked at the idea of my Christmases. "You're not doing that this year, are you?" He asked, he even had genuine concern in his voice. "Well theres nothing else to do" I shrugged it off, trying to make it seem okay. "Its not too bad". He then grasped me a little tighter "No no no, it is!" He assured me, this time not letting me let go off his hands. "Come to mine". "What?" I didn't know what he meant for a moment. "Come to my house for Christmas" he explained it to me. As much as Id love too, Id probably be a bit of a pain, having to make extra food and stuff like that. The last thing I wanted to do was seem like a pain in the backside. "Oh Noel, I couldn't." I tried to get out of it but Noel always had an opposing point and therefore always won. "Oh please, Sweetie, just come...for me" As much as I wanted to argue, I couldn't, there was no point. He was such a lovely man. He saw a sadness he could not bare and he tried to fix it, which was so sweet and really special. "...Okay" I sighed and smiled a little.

A smile spread across his face too. He seemed happy that I was happy. I can see why he does comedy gigs, Ive only just met him but I can tell that he loves making people smile. I also noticed that he was a lot more intimate with me when Julian wasn't there, the cafe was pretty empty too.

"I better go" I said after an hour of chatting and occasional hand-holding. I know its strange for people that barely know each other to act so intimate but I seemed to trust Noel. He was so caring and considerate, when he wasn't drunk. "Aw please honey, stay just a little longer" His nicknames for me were pretty sweet and somehow made me smile every time. "No no, Ive been putting it off for a while, I should go now" I stood up from my chair and watched Noel's eyes go straight to my dress. "Wow, your dress! Its lovely, its navy blue and tight- N-Not that I was looking th-there, I-I was just, I-" He put his head in his hands in embarrassment. I just smiled at him as I tucked my chair under the table and quickly slipped out of the cafe, while Noel wasn't looking.

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