Chapter VII

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The next couple of days I felt really ill, I didn't even leave the house. I was just lying in bed with nothing but my dressing gown on when I heard someone knock on the door. It was so loud, I jumped right out of bed. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I winced as I made my way downstairs. My stomach was hurting and my hands were just a little shaky. I had also noticed I had gotten paler too.

I answered the door to Julia, Julian's girlfriend. "Happy Birthday!" She said. "...My birthdays tommorow" I mumbled. "Oh my God, are you sick?" She asked, feeling my forehead for my temperature. "You are! What's wrong?" She said. "C-Come in" I stuttered. "Aw, come here hun, sit down" Julia said, bringing me over to the sofa and sitting me down with her. "I-Im fine..." I tried to lie. "Cadence! There is!" She insisted. "There can't be! It's not a cold or cough! It's not food poisoning! I haven't caught anything! B-But I'm feeling funny in my stomach a-and I don't know what's wrong!" I sighed. "Wait...sorry but you havnt...done it...with anyone r-recently?" Julia asked anxiously. How did she know? "Y-Yes...I-I have, yes..." I murmered. I didn't tell her who with though! "Oh my you have a home pregnancy test?" She asked.

"Y-Yes..." I breathed, running upstairs to the bathroom. Sure as anything, I took the test. I was pretty scared, my hands were shaking... I looked...posative. It was posative...

When I went back downstairs and told Julia, she seemed even more shocked than me! "Oh my God..." She whispered, hugging me tightly. "W-Who's the father?" She asked. " wouldn't know him..." I lied. "Well, this is important...i-is he your boyfriend?" She said. "...a friend...a close friend... W-we just got caught up in the moment and we both knew we liked eachother and..." I sighed. I had officially messed up. I just hoped like crazy that Noel would somehow help me out...

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