Mommy Willy

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Will's pov: "Gosh!!! Man how hungry am I? It has been a month and I have gotten hungry as hell, I wonder if I am pregnant??" an hour later Will takes a pregnancy test and sees the results "Oh???" will said as he went to tell the news to Frankie as he started walking to the couch where Frankie was siting and drinking booze. "Uhhh, Frankie...." "yes??" Frankie glanced to Will while drinking some Booze. "I-I'm pr-Pregnant" Frankie drops his drink on the floor with wide eyes "What??? Willy, how did this happen?? Shit I forgot protection!!!" Will then shows his belly to Frankie and said "What gender do you think it is?? and what should we name it??" Frankie then wraps his arms around Will and kisses Will "We shall see as soon as possible m'love" Will Laughs as he kisses Frankie and sits to watch the latest news on the TV about Children. He spent time taking note the do's and don't s for raising kids.

Frankie's pov: "Snap I feel like I should smoke outside more because of my kid is developing in Willy, Shit!!!!" Frankie is outside smoking and kicks a can because on how nervous he is getting.

Later on Laughing Jack's sister gets the news and throws a baby shower in the bath room because why not :^33333 and invited people like Laughing Jill, and some other Pastas to attend the small party. Will and Frankie got Baby food and other gifts from guest who attended. LJ gave them PJ's saying I love my uncle Laughing Jack on it. Jill gave them a baby carrage for the kiddo. Nina gave them baby bottles she took from a family who she killed that had babies.

At the baby shower they had snacks, cake, pizza, hot dogs, fruit punch for all at the party. It was fun till the end where everyone had to go home. Jacklin stayed for the night to help clean and more. Then Will ran to a garbage bin and barfed out more than he never imagined to get out.

to be continued (awwww so cute)

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