finally got out of tour

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Frankie: " hey guys I just got out of tour. I cannot wait to get home and see my lovely husband beautiful beautiful daughter. I have been on tour with Jacklin and the band along side The Bleeding toes, The seeking, and Slipknot."
Passes the cam to Jacklin and eats as Jackie explains the fun they all had at tour.
Jacklin: "hey omg! We all had a blast and #GxF4evah"
Frankie: "thx Jacklie!" Frank said as he sips his soda.

Mean while during the stream Will is watching Frank, Jacklin and all the band members make hearts with their hands and Frankie says "This is for my Willy and my daughter Laranna"

Ian: "Stay with your love and family goals Frankie" :) ((Ian is a friend of Jacklin+ leader of the seeking)).
Jacklin then gets a text from her horny ex who claims she is a "whore, slut,man stealer ect." He said in the text "Babe I need u to f@!k with me. I want to be in bed smashing and ramming into you~" Jacklin texted back saying "No... You already f@ki!ng minipulated me enough..... When you did all those things, I wanted to kill myself.... I love you.... But I Hate YOU AT ThE sAmE TIME!😢😠😦😱🖕🖕"

Jacklin cries her way to the bathroom to wash her face, When she looked at herself in the mirror her makeup was running. She then dried her face and fixes her makeup. She goes to the table where she was sitting with everybody still there all calm and confident and ready to tell what happened that got her into tears.

Ben: "Jacklin, what happened? Did he try to get Kinky with you?...."
Frankie: "oh Zalgo.... not him..." he points at a table on where Jacklin's ex was sitting at blowing a kiss and saying "Heyyy~ Babe commer~ Jacklin!"

Frank, Ben, Brian, Ian, and a few other band members got up and went to the dudes table "Listen... She is my girlfriend, don't be all jelly and let me be with my Lady Jackie~" he said. Ian stated "I'm getting married to my feance. Why would I get jelly over my bud?" Frankie growled "I am married to my Husband Will and have a beautiful daughter back at home ya dead beat....."

The ex gets up ready to fight and relizes how short he is compared to Frankie and a few others. "How tall are ye?..." Frankie growles "7'2, f@ck boy...." (the ex is 5'8)

The ex throws whats left of his drink at Frankie and gets him mad. Frank than grabbed the dude by the shirt and punches him, braking the guys nose in the prosses.

"Fuck you..." Frank growled

The bar tender told us all to leave and banned us for a few weeks.

The cops interviewed us all and then arrested my ex for sexually assaulting Jacklin.

     - Home at last-
Will hugged Frank as he came home "I heared the news. Thank you for standing up for our friend..." "No problem. Besides she was upset and he deserved it." Laranna was in her play pen jumping with joy to see her father home from tour at last.

After dinner they went to bed and had a good nights sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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