Willy's kid

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 Wills pov: "Ahhh! Fuck! my stomach is huge.... uhh, man I feel the kicking already..."
 Frankie: *kisses Will's belly* "Awww he/she must be exited to see us" *kisses Will*
 Will: "hehe Lulz!!! I think so too" *kisses Frankie* "And Frankie I love you"
 Frankie: "I love you too My little Grossman!!!" *Wraps arm around Will*
 Will: "Oh Frankie~!!!! Your making me blush" *blushes*
 Fankie Winks at Will... THEN!!!! It happens... Right at the spot when they were at the moment...

Will: "Ahhhhhh!!!" *Will then screams loud as hell as he cries* "Oww!! Oww!!"
 Frankie: "WHats wrong Willy!!!!!???" *SHOCKED*
 Will: I'm on labor!!!!
 Jacklin: "Holy FUCK!!!! GET A BLANKET!!!! AND MY LAB COAT!!!"
 Frankie: "OK" *gets the things and comes back*
Jacklin: Now Will, You push as hard as you can and the baby will be safe in the blanket. First thing you must do, take off your pants and trousers so the kid could come out.
 Frankie: Wait how will the kid come out?!?! o3o
 Jacklin: "The D or the ass"
 Will: Please be the ass!!
 Frankie: Push!!! Willy PUSH!!!!!
 Will Pushes as da Baby shows a bit little by little. Good thing The kid came out of Will's ass...

Jacklin: *wraps the baby in the blanket* there there, Welcome kiddo :^3333
 Will: is it a boy or a girl??? *wonders*
 Jacklin: Its.... Its a girl!!!
 Frankie: Well this is new!!!
 Will: wow (o3o)
 Jacklin: whats her name???
 Will: her name is Larana Vince Grossman

to be continued...

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