3- Rejected (part 2)

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Still HiroxReader

I liked that one shot so I thought I'd just continue it a little bit.



"How does it look?" I asked Honey Lemon, turning around to show her the dress I chose. She gave me at least fifteen dresses to try on, and this was the only one I picked out. It was a black and white striped dress with (F/C) details along the hem and and a (F/C) sash at the belt area. It was high haltered and fit snugly around my torso, but the skirt flared out from the sash.

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! You look so pretty!" Honey Lemon squealed, taking a picture.

"Honey," I complained, holding up my hand to prevent her from taking any other pictures.

"Okay, okay, but definitely that one!" She said, squealing a little bit.

"Nice to know you had me try on the fifteen dresses you picked before I could put on the one I wanted," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes and laughing.

"Go change back so we can buy it!" Honey said, pushing me into the changing room and closing the door.


"Hiro, just go up to the door, knock, be polite to her father, and then walk back to your aunt's car with her, it's that simple," Wasabi assured him over the phone.

"Okay, I can do this, I got this," Hiro said, mostly to reassure himself.


"Aunt Cass is taking us, dad," I assured him.

"Why does he need his aunt to drive him?" My dad asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You were just saying 'you better not be alone in the car, and he bETTER NOT HAVE A MOTORCYCLE'," I replied, mocking my father's words from earlier.

"Yeah, well, I'm not too happy about you going to a dance with a college boy, three years older than you!" My dad objected.

"Dad, you do know who Hiro is, right?" I asked him, putting my hands on my hips.

"I can't say I do," he replied.

"Hiro is the same age as me, the other child prodigy at he school," I told him, "He is literally at our house almost every day," I added, trying to refresh his memory.

"Oh, the boy with the black hair?" He asked.

"Yes, that would be the Hiro," I answered nodding. Just then a knock came at the door.

"I'll get it," my dad said a little too quickly, marching over to the front door. He slightly opened it and looked down at Hiro. He was blocking my view so I walked up to my dad and popped my head over his shoulder.

"Hey, Hiro!" I said to break the awkward silence that was occurring between him and my dad.

"Uh, hi, (Y/N)," Hiro replied, displaying an awkward smile.

"Dad, this is Hiro, whom you have already met multiple times, and Hiro, this is my father... That you see sleeping on that arm chair quite often," I said, gesturing towards the arm chair in the living room, "Welp, bye dad," I said, pushing past him to stand outside, "if mom wants pictures, just tell her to text Honey Lemon," I added.

"Bye, (Y/N)," he said before turning to somewhat glare at Hiro, "Hiro," he said sternly, nodding.

"Bye, Mr.(L/N)," Hiro said quickly before turning to walk with me to his aunts car.

"He thought I was going with an eighteen year old," I whispered to Hiro, trying not to laugh as my dad was still somewhat in earshot. Hiro and I made our way to Aunt Cass's car and got into the back.

"Aw, (Y/N), you look so lovely," Aunt Cass said, turning around in her seat to look at Hiro and I before she pulled out of the driveway. Sitting next to Hiro was the first time I actually got a good look at him. He was wearing a black suit with a white button down shirt underneath, a (F/C) tie tucked underneath the jacket.

"Honey Lemon told you the color of
my dress, didn't she?" I asked, smirking.

"Well, she texted Wasabi a picture, but I wasn't allowed to see it, so Wasabi helped me pick the tie color," Hiro replied, shrugging.

"Stop acting so awkward, if Aunt Cass was driving us to the movie theater and I wasn't wearing a dress, you would be acting perfectly normal," I said, punching his arm.

"Okay guys, here we are, have fun!" Aunt Cass said as she pulled up in front of SFIT. I thanked Aunt Cass for the ride as Hiro and I climbed out of the car, waving as she drove away. We walked into the school gymnasium, stopping slightly in our tracks as we were hit with loud music and dim lighting.

"Food?" I asked Hiro hopefully. When I got a nod and grin and response, I grabbed his hand and rushed over to the refreshment table.  I let go of his hand and looked over at his red face.

"All I did was hold your hand for a second, it's fine," I insisted, trying not to laugh.

"Y-yeah, okay," Hiro stuttered. Laughing, I grabbed a plate and loaded it up with food.

"How can people even dance to this music?" I asked as the third Nicki Minaj song came on.

"No clue," Hiro replied. We made our way to one of the tables set up against the walls, eating and insulting people we saw.

"There you guys are!" Honey Lemon called excitedly as she rushed over to us, Wasabi, Fred, and Gogo following behind her.

"Hi guys," I said, smiling.

"How's your date going?" Wasabi asked, crossing his arms and smirking.

"Better than yours is," I replied, nodding to the empty nothingness next to him.

"I'm here with Gogo," Wasabi responded. Gogo began shaking her head no, and I tried not to laugh.

"Picture time!" Honey squealed as she pulled Hiro and I to stand with the rest of the group.


"And this will be the last song of the night," the dj announced, turning on a slow song.

"Why don't they ever end with (favorite band/ musician)?" I asked, throwing my arms in the air.

"Let's go dance," Hiro suggested.

"You've been an awkward mess all night and NOW you want to dance?" I asked.

"C'mon," Hiro said, grabbing my hand and leading me out onto the dance floor. I was reluctant at first, but Hiro wrapped his arms around my waist, and I sighed before wrapping mine around his neck.

"I didn't know you could dance," I said, impressed with Hiro's ability to slow dance.

"This is the only dance I know," Hiro mumbled sheepishly.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't want to dance to anything else because I didn't know how to. I didn't even know how to slow dance until Fred gave me lessons every day after school after you agreed to go to the dance with me," Hiro admit.

"Fred taught you?" I asked, fairly surprised.

"Yeah, rich parents and all, there's a few requirements," Hiro explained.

"Makes sense," I replied, laughing. Looking over, I saw Gogo, Wasabi, Fred, and Honey all watching us, Honey Lemon taking multiple pictures. I only shook my head at them and stuck my tongue out. Whether or not I would care to admit, that was probably one of the best days of my life.


Requests? Pweaseeeee???





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