6- Spur of the Moment

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Because I'm in a TadashixReader mood.

And nO I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT ANY REQUESTS (even though nobody has bugged me about forgetting...)

"C'mon in!" Honey Lemon exclaimed as she opened the front door, beckoning me inside.

"Thanks, sorry I'm late, I had some work due by midnight that took longer than expected," I explained, stepping inside of her house.

"No problem! Everyone else is outside, and Wasabi is starting the fire," Honey Lemon said, leading me through the backdoor and out across the lawn.

"Go figure, he'd have a safety fit if anyone else did it," I replied, laughing a little bit.

"Very true. Now, you can set the food on that table and take a seat on one of the logs," Honey Lemon said, pointing to a table set up near the fire pit.

"Logs?" I asked, smirking a little bit.

"To feel more bonfire-like," Honey Lemon laughed, leading the way towards the rest of the group.

"(Y/N) is here!" She exclaimed, and everyone but Wasabi turned to face me. There were three long logs sitting round the fire. They were obviously cut in half vertically so the top was flat and easy to sit on. Honey Lemon sat down next to Gogo, and Wasabi made his way to sit next to Fred. I sat down in the only available spot, and only then realized I had no clue who I was sitting next to.

"Why hello, random stranger," I said pleasantly, smirking at them.

"Hi," he said, smiling.

"Oh right, you and Tadashi have never met before!" Honey Lemon exclaimed.

"Oh, this is Tadashi?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement, "I've heard so many stories, but I began to think the alleged Tadashi was just a myth!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, Tadashi has been busy working away on his project, this has been the first time he's hung out for a while now," Fred said, looking up from his comic book.

"Yeah well, (Y/N) has never been around when I was so I'm not the only let down," Tadashi countered.

"Welcome to the let down log, where the worst friends go to sit and think about what they've done," I said, grinning. The conversation turned into playful banter, and soon everyone became engaged in smaller conversations.

"So, what was that big project you were working on?" I asked Tadashi, turning to face him.

"Oh, I made a robotic nurse," Tadashi replied nonchalantly.

"Seriously?!" I gasped, "That's a valid excuse for not hanging out," I decided.

"What's your excuse?" Tadashi asked, smirking.

"I happen to be a comic book artist," I replied smugly.

"Really? That's cool," Tadashi gaped, "I bet Fred pests you for sneak peeks all the time," he added, chuckling.

"All. The. Time." I confirmed. Suddenly the wind shifted directions, and the smoke from the fire came directly into my face.

"Dang it!" I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut. I shielded them from the smoke before opening my eyes again to look at Tadashi. He was just tall enough that the smoke didn't reach his face.

"Not fair," I whined, "I'm laying down," I decided. Before Tadashi could respond, I swung my body around and rested my feet on the ground at the end of the log and my head in Tadashi's lap.

Big Hero 6 One Shots!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt