chapter 21

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So I'm very sorry for the long wait but I'm back again and I'll try not to stop for so long next time I've just been going through a lot in life but I realize that I need to use that as an inspiration to write instead of just giving up like I was going to but anyways here's the next chapter thank you so much for sticking with me through this, read on!

Current day

Waking up with the thought of a date with Jasper was not exactly what I enjoyed doing but if all of this is going to work out well in the end for me then I would have to just go along with it.

Heading downstairs I pick up the box and look inside inside, there is a red mini dress with a pair of red heels, a silver heart necklace, diamond earrings, and a bracelet. I roll my eyes, of course he'd pick something so skimpy. I pick the box up anyways and head to the bathroom to freshen up and change.

After getting dressed I looked in the mirror, the dress was indeed too short but Jasper would have a fit if I wasn't wearing what he picked out so I just brushed it off and headed out of the bathroom. Glancing at the clock I see that it is 7:55 pm and I know that I probably have time to spare because jasper is never on time so I go to the kitchen for a bottle of water. Just as I was got my water I hear the doorbell ring. A feeling of dread washed over me because the last time the doorbell rang it was news that my parents were dead. After taking a drink of the water I go to see who's at the door. I open it and to my surprise I see jasper standing there. I look at the clock 7:58. He's two minutes early which is a major surprise for me because as I said before he is never ever on time. He seems to actually be making an effort and for a minute I forget that jasper is blackmailing me and all the good times that we had comes rushing back to me.

"Hey beautiful."

"Sup bro."


"Yea man, how's it going? "

"Seriously? Never mind. You ready?"

"Yea. Let's go. "

We leave and begin making our way to a location unbeknownst to me. I don't bother asking seeing as he would not tell me anyways.

After about 30 minutes we pull up to a fancy looking restaurant. I climb out of the car and start to walk towards the building. Jasper reaches for my hand but I pull away and continue walking,

"Hi, would you like a table for two?"

Before jasper could finish I blurted out " no we'll take 2 pieces of your finest carpet."

Jasper snickers.

"What my ever so rude girlfriend means is yes we'd like a table for two. Im sorry, she's grumpy today."

The lady leads us to a table near the back and I slide into my chair and jasper pulls his chair closer to me and sits, looking at me.

"I love you."


"Say it back. Like you used to. "

"Like I said, thanks."

"I think you're forgetting that im in control here so I suggest you start acting like you have some damm sense and drop this bitchy act."

I stay silent but my eyes glimmer with hatred and sadness for this person sitting next to me.

A waiter shows back up and takes our orders which leaves me and Jasper sitting in awkward silence staring down at her hands. Jasper tried making small talk with me but I just ignored him. Why couldn't he understand that I didn't love him? I had just started to move on and he had to come back and ruin my life. I knew once this was all over I'd never forgive him and I'd never let him back into my life.

After our food arrived we continued our silence as we picked at our meals. About half way through my dinner jasper started to shuffle around. He only got antsy when he was nervous.

"You ok dude?"

"Yea I just want to ask you something. "

I wait.

He gets out of his chair and kneels in front of me, worry in his eyes and a tiny box in his hand. All eyes are on us at this point.

"This isn't a marriage proposal yet, but I'd like for you to take this promise ring and swear to me that you won't give up on me, because I'll never give up on you."

There are lots of "aws" and "thats so sweets".

"Jasper I've already given up on us, I agreed to give you chance but we both know how I truly feel."

And with that I rushed from the restaurant and waited at the car. Soon after, jasper came rushing out and ran up to me.

"I want you to love me like you used to. Im ready now, please." Jasper says with a glimmer of hope im his eyes.

"I ca-"

Im cut off by japser smashing his lips to mine. I want to pull back but I know thats not a good idea.

"Why wont you kiss me back? Because im not him? You loved me first, had me first, wanted me first. He doesn't even love you."

"Thats a lie and you know it."

"Oh im lying? We'll see what the evidence says. I'll show you once we're back at your house. "

This time I knew he was bluffing and just wanted to put doubt in my head, but the whole ride home couldn't help but wonder what it was that he had to show me.

As soon as we get inside my house jasper logs into my computer and does something that brings up a video. As I stare at the screen I can't believe what im seeing, jason is in a heated make out session with some blond chick. My vision is blurred as tears fill my eyes. Jasper looks at me with hard eyes.

I cant help but ask "how are we seeing this?"

"Live feed. Hidden camera in his stereo. Now that you know that he doesn't want you, you can be mine.

" just because he did this doesnt mean anything has changed between you and I . I don't want you."

" you will once your distraction is gone."

Even though jason had just crushed my soul I couldn't help but come to his defense. "Leave him out of this. "

"He brought himself into this when he tried to steal my girl." And with that jasper stormed out leaving me with my thoughts.

Why did jason do this to me?
How did jasper know?
Did Jason ever really love me?
What do I do from here?

I pull out my phone and see that I have an unread message

Daddy: hey baby girl, I can't wait to see you tonight ;)

I roll my eyes, useless piece of shit. I reply.

Me: fuck off asshole. I hate you.

After hitting send I shut off my phone.

After stripping down I climbed into bed and proceeded to cry myself to sleep. Fuck my life.

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