chapter 6

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Once we get seated, a waitress comes over to ask our orders.

"I would like a hamburger, some french fries, and a Dr. Pepper."

"And for you?" she asked Jason.

"Um...I'll have the same," he said.

"Alrighty then, your food should be here shortly," the waitress said, and then turned to head to the kitchen.

"So, let's get the basics out of the way. What school do you go to?" I asked.

"I go to Willston prep. Well I will, this upcoming year." 

"No way! Thats the school I go to. How cool would it be if we had classes together?" I said happily.

He smirked. "A bit excited there, are we? Careful, one of us at this table might start thinking you like him."

"I might--I might. I guess that person will just have to see." I said, smirking back, both of us unsure which person we were referring to, or whether or not these feelings developing were lust or something more.

"Yeah they will, but between me and you, I think we both already know the answer." He winked at me. "Dont worry though, babe, I like you too."

"Shut up," I said, hiding a smile. "What's your favorite color?"

"Green. Yours?"

"Same, actually. We have a lot in common."

"I know, I like that." We were both silent for a few seconds, two dopey smiles plastered on both of our faces. Until our food arrived seconds later and we began to eat.

" Kara," he said after we'd both taken a few bites. "Can I take you out on a date please?"

"I would love to go on a date with you." I answered happily. "When?" 

"Is next Saturday good?" 

"Yeah, that's great." 

"Cool." He said, trying to be casual.

Rolling my eyes, I  go back to my food and soon we're both finished.

"Ready to go, baby?" asked Jason. I'm really starting to love the sound of that. 

"Yup. To the park we go!"  Jason pays the bill and leaves a $50 tip. We get in the car and after I get buckled in, Jason grabs my hand. We ride in a comfortable silence all the way to the park. When we get there he turns to me.

"Take your panties off, sexy," he commanded.

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