Chapter 1 - "A new Beginning"

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Your smile widened as you almost finished packing your bags to head out to your new job. Your job was on an island far out into the ocean. A very huge island in that matter. You were very thrilled, but a little anxious to see your friend, Owen after so many years being apart from each other. You guys were good friends since crawling days. That is until you two grew older and started to do your own things. But now is the time to see him once again. You yelped in excitement once you realized you were finished packing. "Honey, hurry up your flight is going to leave soon!" Your father called. You also took your little brother, Maxwell, who is eleven years old. He loves dinosaurs and he would keep begging you to bring him with you. You finally sighed and gave in. You helped him pack his stuff and even grabbed his adorable,pale green raptor plushie from his closet so it would keep him company when you were away doing your job. You quickly grabbed your bags and was ready to head out the door. That is until something stopped you. You turned around slowly. You had a feeling like you were missing something. You looked at your dresser. Your (Favorite/color) flower crown and your little (F/C) T-Rex plushie you got when you last visited. Your hand slipped from the door knob and swiftly grabbed the flower crown and the T-Rex. You inhaled and exhaled. Heading out the door and down the steps. "There's my girl." Your father mumbled to himself, smiling up at you. "My babies, I am going to miss you both." Your mother whispered to you, having a few tears stream down her face. You and Maxwell rolled your eyes playfully. "Come on, let's hurry it up!" Your father demanded running out the door. Maxwell sprinted after him. Giggling, squeezing his little raptor into a tight embrace. Your mother and you followed behind. You closing the door behind you and trudging through the snow. Your father was putting Maxwell's bag in the trunk and waited for you. Maxwell ran over to you. Bringing you into a loving embrace. "Thanks for taking me with you." You giggled and pat his head. Removing yourself from the hug and running over towards the car door and jumping inside. Your brother followed your actions and closed his door. You stared at him. He stared back. "You excited?" you asked. "Heck yes!" Maxwell answered, raising his small fists in the air. You nudged his shoulder playfully and stared outside.

  Your parents finally entered the car and your father started the engine. Your mother looked back at you and playfully pouted. "Are you going to be ok?" She asked playfully. You rolled your eyes once more and went back to staring outside. Maxwell was listening to his music and you were drawing in your sketch book. People would say you were an amazing artist. You could draw anywhere. Even in the car without getting sick.

  After about three hours in the car, you finally realized you were in the airport parking lot. Maxwell was to busy listening to his music, he was in his own world. You poked his shoulder which made him giggle since he was very ticklish. He looked at you, unplugging himself from his music. "Look." You said, pointing towards the outside. "What?" He asked until he looked over swiftly looked towards where you were pointing. He gasped and squeeled. You laughed at his childish actions and stared out at the planes. Your father finally found a parking spot, and got out of the car. You and Maxwell rushed out of the car. The car doors almost hitting your parents. You were to excited you didn't even realize. "Sorry champ, but you guys have to go in by yourselves." Your father said to the both of you. You looked at him. "Why?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. "Well, it's going to be hard for your mother and I to see you go." Your father answered. He looked like he was about to cry. "Well you two go have fun and be safe, and keep an eye on each other." Your mother told the both of you. Kissing both of your foreheads. "Do you have your tickets?" Your father asked. You then pulled two tickets out with both of your full names on them. Your father nodded and smiled. "Goodbye guys, I am missing you two already." Your father said as your mother smiled. "Yup yup, come on Maxwell we're going to be late!" You gestured Maxwell to come follow you. So he did. Waving goodbye to his parents and following you.

  Once the two of you finally got everything settled at the airport, the two of you were ready to head out towards your plane. You did have time to stop by Duckin' Donuts to get two hot chocolates. You watched as your brother started to gulp down his drink. His face expression made you laugh. His face was red and his tongue was sticking out. "It is so hot!" He whimpered. "Thats what you get for not letting your drink cool down." You mumbled. He scowled up at you and headed towards a large window. He was so excited, he began to bounce on the seat. You took his free hand and ran over towards the entrance that leads into the plane. You gave the women your tickets and headed inside. The plane was very nice and clean. Paintings of dinosaurs scattered the walls and what made it even more adorable that there were cup holders that looked like a cartoon raptor was holding your drink. Your brother yelped and headed towards a seat, which led you to carrying his stuff. But a nice and handsome gentlemen that looked like he was around your age, eighteen to nineteen years old, helped you out with your bags. You thanked him and sat with your brother. What did surprise you slightly that he sat across from you. His curly, dirty blonde hair and his ocean blue eyes glistened in the sunlight as he leaned his head on the window. His chin resting on his palm. No one was sitting next to him, he looked like he was by himself. He glanced at you, noticing your stare. You looked away swiftly, but then glanced back at him out of the corner of your eye. He was still starring. You glanced at your brother, trying to get him to stop starring. Good enough he did. You heard him sigh quietly. You felt bad for the guy, which led you to sit down sit next to him. Which you did. He was surprised at first, but his surprised expression turned into a normal expression. "Hello." He mumbled. You waved. Things were getting a bit awkward. "So, where are you heading?" You asked. You face palmed realizing that was a stupid question since this plane was heading towards the island named Jurassic World. "Jurassic World, I got a new job there." He answered. "Oh cool, I got a job there too." You replied. He starred at you, then Maxwell who was just giving him a death glare. "Is that your brother?" He asked. You glanced at Maxwell and nodded.  "I am (Y/N), that is Maxwell." You said pointing to your brother who was pouting. He held out his hand. "I am Kyle." Kyle replied. You happily shook his hand. You had a feeling you're going to get along with this guy. "So, what do you have to do?" Kyle asked. You answered, "Well, I searched through the jobs there and there was an empty spot for the raptors." Kyle nodded. "Raptors are hard to control, are you sure you're ready to do that?" You thought that for a moment. "Who's he?" You heard a familiar voice beside you. Maxwell held his raptor plushie close to his chest. "I am Kyle, nice to meet ya." Kyle said. "I am Maxwell." Maxwell replied in a rude way. You tapped his shoe, giving him a warning. Maxwell rolled his eyes and just lied his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes. You sighed and wrapped an arm around him. "You're such a goof." You mumbled, smiling down at your brother and laying your head on top of his. Kyle smiled down at you, and stared out the window and towards the clouds. This is going to be a fun trip. You hoped.

Human!Male!Jurassic World Raptors x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang