Chapter 3 - "New faces"

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PLEASE READ, OMG LIKE.... OH MAH GOD...I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE.... A YEAR.... The guilt is taking over me... No, im serious I feel so guilty.

 You glanced back at the raptors who were just starring at you with their dazzling yellow eyes. "Can we leave?" You whispered towards Owen. Owen snickered. "Why, you scared?" Owen teased. "Uh, duh their flipping raptors!" You growled. Owen tried not to laugh at your excuse. "Here." Owen mumbled, backing up calmly towards the entrance and clasped your arm gently. "Try feeding them." Owen said. "Feeding them what, my arm?" you asked. All Owen did was roll his eyes and yanked you in the entrance making you squeal, pressing a button quickly before the raptors darted towards the two of you. You stared, horrified as they screeched in frustration and slowly backed away. They soon turned away from you and ran back into the forest. "Well that went well." You said sarcastically, glaring at the bars. "Why couldn't you just show me the raptors from up there?" You asked. "I wanted you to see them up close." Owen answered. 'I least I didn't die.' You thought as you headed outside and climbed the ladder that led to the top. "What are you doing (Y/N)?" Owen called up to you. "I want to get a better look!" You replied not looking down at him. Owen soon followed.

 You've reached the top and you had a perfect view of the small forest. You could see Delta trying to climb a tree to snatch a blue bird, as well as seeing Blue running around with Echo. You looked around trying to find Charlie. But he was no where to be seen. "Where is Charlie?" You asked Owen. "He's somewhere." Owen answered.

 The sound of a phone buzzing filled your ear as you took a glimpse over to Owen who was reaching in his pocket and pulled out a phone. You didn't want to be rude so you took your gaze off of Owen and stared down at the raptors. "I'm sorry (Y/N) but please give me a moment." Owen said walking away from you.

 You glanced down to where Delta was but almost flew back as you saw Delta staring up at you. Or something else. You followed his gaze and found out he was gazing at a bucket. You looked back at Delta than back at the bucket. You looked inside and saw lizards that were larger than the size of your head. You grasped onto one and held it in your hand, holding it over the railing. You chuckled as you moved it around, teasing Delta as his eyes moved to wherever you moved the lizard. You giggled as you dropped the lizard as Delta snatched it in his jaws, eating slowly. You smiled widely down at Delta as he swallowed his treat. He turned over his shoulder, seeing Blue and Echo running besides Delta. Hunger filled their eyes as they stared up at you. You sighed, as you took two more pieces and threw them down towards Echo and Blue. Echo tried to steal Blue's treat but Blue caught it before he could seize it. Echo's tail swished side by side as he stared up at you again. You shook your head, signaling him that you didn't have anymore. His tail stopped wagging and trailed off back into the forest.

 Owen came back, sitting on top of the railing and patting the spot next to him. You hesitated but forced yourself to sit beside him. "Surprised Charlie didn't come out for dinner." Owen said as he stared down at Delta and Blue who looked as if they were waiting for one of you to jump down. You let out a "hmph" as you both watched the sun slowly start to vanish behind the mountains. "I am going to turn the lights on." Owen said, sliding off the rail and heading down the ladder. The wind started to pick up a little and the two raptors were still down there.

 Finally, the lights around the cement walls turned on and they almost blinded you. They were strong but lid up the entire area. "We should head out, you coming?" Owen asked. "In a little bit." You answered but didn't turn to him. "Do you have your phone with you?" owen asked once again. You nodded. "Alright, I need to head out so see you tomorrow." owen said leaving you and the raptors alone. After awhile of watching the raptors walk around and finally Delta leaving you in peace, your phone started to buzz. You then pulled out your phone from your pocket and stared down at it. It was your mother. You yawned and thought, 'I will call her tomorrow.' and then placed your phone in your pocket. But the worst part was the pocket wasn't deep enough, making your phone slip out and fall down into the cage. "You've got to be kidding me." You mumbled as you placed your feet on the edge of the wall holding onto the rail tightly. You prayed to not fall to your death and become a midnight snack for the raptors. You slowly turned around and headed towards the ladder, climbing down slowly. Once you reached the bottom you walked over to the entrance into the cage. There were four buttons so you pressed the green one. Luckily, the door slowly opened and you crept slowly over to where your phone had landed. There were no raptors in sight so you quickly grabbed it and walked over to the entrance, trying your  best not to make a sound. But that is until you didn't realize sticks and twigs were beneath you, making a loud snap.

 The sound of loud footsteps came closer and closer to you and without thinking you sprinted over to the door. But the animal was to quick for you, so the animal bumped into you making you collapse on the ground. You shivered as a few tears streamed down your face. You were so frightened you could barely move anything nor your eyes. "Haha, oh that was funny!" A deep voice said as the man continued to laugh. "What the heck man!" Another male voice called out. "What?" The same male as before asked. You slowly got up and ran for the entrance, quickly pressing the red button as the door closed. The two males slowly walked over to the entrance, grasping onto the bars as they both stared at you. You gasped and quickly pressed the green button once again and yanking the two males in. Pressing the red button. You looked over to the men who just stood there, the male with red hair that went down to his shoulders smirked at you. He wore a dark blue eye patch on his right eye and was wearing a blood red shirt with a black leather jacker. He also wore black baggy pants and long red boots. The male next to him had short curly hair. What made it strange was that he had dark green hair. His outfit was somewhat formal. He wore a green vest with a white under shirt and black tie, black jeans and brown boots. He had no expression on his face. His amber eyes glaring at you. You took a step back and asked, "Why were you in there and how did you get in without me noticing?" The man with the red hair chuckled.

                                        "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Blue and here is Delta."


Hello there! This turned out bad didn't it? But I am proud of it. If you would like a reminder of what the outfits look like, look down below. It's so weird how I think Blue has red hair... Strange... Also I am terrible with outfits so I would like some help with Charlie and Echo's outfits. I was going to make Echo the goofy kind but he will be strong and gentle.

Delta's Outfit: Green vest with a white under shirt and black tie, black jeans and brown boots (Sometimes wears a black bandanna around his neck or around he mouth) 

Blue's Outfit: Dark blue eye patch (right-side), blood red shirt with a black leather jacket, black baggy pants with long red boots (Or you can design them however you like ^^)

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